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Books you've never read, but always meant to.

Started by ukdane, 16 July, 2005, 01:28:33 PM

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Generally Contrary

Don Quixote - voted best book ever, so it must be worth a try.


the witch world books i have had almost all of them for over 25 years but as im missing the first one never got round to them


Persepolis is great, and a very easy read. I'd definately recommend picking it up.


Do you mean "Persepolis", by Marjane Satrapi? Both volumes are definitely worth a read, as is her new book, "Embroideries". Good stuff.

that's the one, Amstor. I read a little bit of Persepolis in a bookstore here and it looked great.
 Good news, so does Embroideries. Bad news, annoying review in the Grauniad, which condescends to books with pictures ("the shadow of superheroes hangs over the graphic novel medium" etc). This is something I've noticed with all reviews of Satrapi's stuff, they always mention the oddness of this intelligent woman writing in comics. Satrapi, reasonably enough, refuses to discuss the fact, only wants to discuss the books


Ulysses is terrific and well worth reading in my opinion. WHat is over rated is the difficulty of reading it. Apart from a few very silly passages which you can just skip, it's no harder than most big books.
 Graham Greene's books are all worth while. Honourable mention to Our Man in Havanna, which is funny.
 I'm reading War and Peace now and it's not so great....lots of awful sentimental stuff about how fab the czar is