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film trivia game

Started by psycho_slaughterman, 13 September, 2005, 06:33:53 PM

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For a bonus point, do you know which parts they were going to play?


no, don't quite  remember that, but was Lennon going to play Gandalf and (purely guessing here)was Paul going to play Bilbo?

Rex Banner

Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin?


oh, by bilbo, I meant Frodo (Doh!)


no, don't quite remember that, but was Lennon going to play Gandalf and (purely guessing here)was Paul going to play Bilbo?

Your right about Paul...

Heres another one before i forget it-
Who was the first person to portray James Bond? (Hint: Its not really film related!)



Iiiiiiiiiiiiin one!

Well done, that man!

Rex Banner

Which actor played test match cricket for England?


Rex Banner

Played in one match. Born 1863.


Im gonna go out on a limb and say... C. Aubrey Smith?

Rex Banner


Can't take credit for the question though, it comes from a friend of mine, Roger Plumtree, a retired Royal Marine who takes great pleasure in asking it as very few people get it right.

The Monarch

since theres no question can i do one ignore it if not

In the harry potter and the goblet of fire movie which subplot has been excised completly from the film and for a bonus point which characters takes the place of a character connected to that subplot to give the gillyweed to harry


From the clues in your question, id guess the entire Hermione/House elves plot has been scuppered.

No idea for the bonus point, but seeing as its to do with plants i'll say Neville Longbottom takes the place of Dobby.

Boy, im enjoying this thread!

The Monarch