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some sketches etc now on line

Started by Queen Firey-Bou, 17 September, 2005, 04:39:56 AM

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Byron Virgo

"i've done better myself,i'm not saying that i'm somehow better than yourself,just different but"

Not better, just better?

archangel 1

obviously you did'nt read what i wrote did u ??


archangel 1

i said different,which means different e.g. more detailed which takes much,much longer is that all cleared up now?..


Funt Solo

Aye, well, the proof is in the pudding.  Let's have a gander at your work.

(This reminds me of the Doggy Carrots thread.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.

Queen Firey-Bou

conversly enough its actually cheered me up.

rather than worrying about being a bit crap at comic art, ive got on my high horse & remembered all the stuff i am most excellent at.

better at lifesaving & kicking ass Bou.

Byron Virgo

"i said different,which means different e.g. more detailed which takes much,much longer is that all cleared up now?.."

No, what you actually said was
"i've done better myself"
whixh suggests that you think you've done better. And I'd also like to point out that 'detailed' does not equal 'better', in fact in my experience it often means 'a hell of lot worse'. I've seen a lot of highly detailed self-indulgent turds in my time.

Perhaps, rather than say how much better you are than other people, you could provide us a link like Bou did and let the audience be the judge?


"i've done better myself"

[Devil's advocate] Aaahh, but did he offer that comment as FACT or as OPINION? [/Devil's advocate]

(BTW, Bou - You've got some unbearably cool stuff there)
Better set your phaser to stun.

archangel 1

i offered it as an opinion,by the way i would provide a link but i'm shit at doing thing's like that!

archangel 1

i accept that once i've figured out how to do that,then you can decide for yourselves!


Okay, because i'm the community spirited sort, I'll tell you. there's two ways to go about it:

first way- if it's a site
1. go to the site that hosts your work

2.copy the website address

3. paste it in the optional link URL thingy  at the bottom of the post a reply thang

second way- if it's just an image

1. go to site that hosts your image

2. click on the image so it gives you the details

3. copy the whole of the  .gif /.jpg bit

4. paste into the optional images URL thingy  at the bottom of the post a reply thang

there's ways of putting website links and images within the message, rather than at the bottom, but that can be left for later

p.s great stuff Bou- TBH i'm not the biggest fan of your dragon strip, but that Crimbo strip ROCKS! You've got a destinctive (NOT in this case a pseudonim for weird) that makes it really stand out


Archangel may well have no escape.

Queen Firey-Bou

heres the gorgeous bristol sketch in question by our own Bart Diaz the talented chappie.

re Xmas strip, funnily enough that & the kelpie thing were the first things i did & in many weys i think are better than when i started to think more about it, beginners luck i guess.">

archangel 1

watch this space thrill merchants......once i've figured this out i'll flood this whole site!!!


Great stuff Boumeister!
      Your art is great, you're making great progress, and you've got more going on in your life than most of us soft lads could cope with.
 Archangel.... open mouth change foot.