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You can't keep a scojo down....

Started by Thread Zero, 22 May, 2002, 04:11:00 AM

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Thread Zero

Mega City One will sssoon know my name. The crime is life sssinners. The sssentence is death. It is the law. And non ssshall escape judgement.
Judge Death, Deadworld: Time unknown.

Sure the citizens say they despise the judges, but deep down they know where they stand with us. They really do. Who else is gonna uphold the law? Elected officials? Gimme a break. There is only one law in this city and you're looking at it.

Judge Dredd, Mega City One: 2124.

The conflict begins next month.

Scojo proudly presents his Possession screenplay.

Coming to in June.

scojo self publicist


Something Fishy

I'll certainly give it a read when you post it.

It may not be a popular thing to say but i quite enjoyed the last one.  I wouldn't consider my suitably skilled to be a literary critic so just read it for enjoyment value.

Something Fishy

In fact that typo proves why i'm not skilled enough!!

W. R. Logan

>Judge Dredd, Mega City One: 2124.
>The conflict begins next month.
>Scojo proudly presents his Possession screenplay.

For f*&% sake can something be done to vet Scojo's posts so that if anything to do with scripts turn up they can be immediately dumped?

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Class Of '79">

Thread Zero

"It may not be a popular thing to say but i quite enjoyed the last one."


So there is at least one fan!

Trebell, you got the cheque in the post I see:)

Glad you liked it. Cheers mate! I think it would make for a cool movie. Now if I can only get Jason Kingsley to read it...

Without wishing to blow my trumpet too hard, triangles are more my thing, I think my Possession screenplay is the one that should be made into a movie.

Forget Judge Death and Judge Death Lives retold! Boring!

You will have to read it, but Mega City One is in for some serious doo doo when my Judge Death comes to town...

scojo blowing his triangle



So, we'll only have one thread promoting the script and one thread discussing the script this time shall we?

If thats all we have, fine.

I have recently exposed myself to gamma rays and do not wish to be angered.

Something Fishy

oh bugger, i think i'm going to be in trouble now.

Thread Zero

Oh don't be such a killjoy.

You don't have to read my scripts.:)

(He loves me really folks. He's in denial, poor chap)


Thread Zero

Yeah but in the interests of true democracy and  genuine fan feedback, I feel the threads should spread out you know?



Hmm... well, if you want to be known as the jar jar binks of the message board, so be it.

Thread Zero

Meeesa no undersanda youse Peeveess.

sco jo binks

W. R. Logan

>Oh don't be such a killjoy.
>You don't have to read my scripts.:)

I may not have to read the bloody things but as I get the message board posts sent to my inbox and don't read them off the web site I get all the posts no matter what.
Now the script on its own I can delete, but its the 100's of posts that then follow, mostly by yourself arguing with anyone who doesn't like your ideas or writing.
After the last script appeared I had to wade through so much crap and most of it generated by yourself or because you are unable to take the criticism that you originally asked for.

>(He loves me really folks. He's in denial, poor chap)

I wouldn't bet on it.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">Class Of '79">


In fact, with the new killfile system you should be able to avoid email delivery of posts from people in your killfile.

Try it!



The killfile is excellent. The one problem is reading a message thread, the thread is somewhat disjointed by the abscence of a certain individual.



...but it can also be quite disjointed when his comments are included.