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Brighton Comic Expo 19th - 20th November

Started by skull.ring, 14 November, 2005, 05:34:25 PM

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Were you the guy who was talking about putting his book online, or the one with ginger hair?
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

Rob Spalding


Ah right, now I've placed you. My missus was sat next to Dom and I was sat next to her ...
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

Rob Spalding

Ah right.
Where did you two go?
I went to the loo then out to get cash, then got lost and forgot which restaurant we were in.
By the time I returned you had gone.


We had an early night as we'd been selling all day and had another long day of selling ahead (plus the missus wasn't feeling too well)

Great curry though, and was nice to chat to Dom about Serenity!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++

House of Usher

Hi everyone. I am recovering from a gardening accident at the moment (no, really!), so I can't spend much time on the net at the moment. I am actually having to dictate this message to a third party... I will return to the message board later in the week, when I can see again. Have got some great convention pics to share as well!


Gardening Incident...pull the other one!!  Mrs HoU's been beating on you...

House of Usher

Heyyyy!!! My eye's better now. I've got a bunch of convenion pics to start posting on a new thread. Just wondering if anyone's got a hint on how to post TWO or more pictures at once, as I've not done that before.">


Does anyone have a piccy of me...I'm the one who was running the blooming table!!!!!!!!

House of Usher

What? You mean... you didn't take your camera with you, Mark? Sorry mate, I was probably collecting sketches with my nephew most of the time you were at the table. Ooops.


Grrr..that'll teach me...

note to NOT let people stash bags behind table...grrrrr

Max Kon

use the html code <img src=image url>

It's the second one under the thumb, with the word 'tag' next to it.


House of Usher


Carlsborg Expert" alt="Image hosted by">