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Do you think Judge Dredd is .......?

Started by Thread Zero, 27 May, 2002, 01:04:10 AM

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Thread Zero

I was writing my ***** and thinking about Attack of the Clones you see..

If someone asked me about Dredd, particularly if Dredd were made into a big budget film, how would I describe it?

What would be a good one line description for someone who had never read Dredd before?

I thought about it for a moment and I thought this sums up a Dredd film quite nicely:

Dirty Harry meets Star Wars.

I imagine the cops and robbers of the 1970's Dirty Harry movies combined with the cgi spectacle of the new Star Wars episodes.

No ewoks needed of course.

In an ideal world, that's how I see Dredd done on the big screen.

Anyone have any other ideas how you could describe a Dredd movie?



How about Robocop with an attitude....bu you never see his face.




A dystopian future with no heroes or villains just jaded clones (judges) who do their best despite ever decaying odds with no prospect of reward or respite yet do their duty anyway.


How about Bladerunner meets Mcbain,or have we alredy seen that film mr stallone?


Or try it like SeaQuest DSV meets Pets Win Prizes.

What the hell would that make?