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It was always the same....

Started by Thread Zero, 29 May, 2002, 05:09:59 AM

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Thread Zero

The question was always the same. Someone would always bring it up. Dredd didn't mind. Originality was never the citizens strong point.

In those rare occasions when Dredd would do an interview for some trashy news zine show or rag tabloid, the same question would come up.

"Do judges fear death?"

Dredd wished he had some clever answer prepared. Some answer which was almost a question in itself. Deflecting the meaning back on the interviewer. But Dredd would be the first to admit he wasn't some quick witted nark like Max Normal. No, he just said things as he thought them. Simple, straight down the line. No ambiguity.

"Death is part of being a judge. When it comes, I will accept it."

Clear, to the point.

Then they would probe more, trying to see if he was telling the truth. Dredd knew all their cheap tactics. In different circumstances he would have booked them for salacious prying. Assuming such a crime existed.

"So you aren't scared of dying?"

Dredd was hesitant to repeat himself. Why say the same thing again. Not his problem if their hearing was defective. But Dredd felt different that day. Maybe years on the street had finally taken their toll, eroding his iron will. Now it was time for his humanity to show.

"I don't fear death but it is the great unknown. I value my life. As I'm sure you do. When death takes me, it will be because of the right circumstances. Upholding the law. Honourable."

The interview ended. Dredd left the news slug offices and went back on patrol. But the thought of death remained on his mind.

No one lives forever, this Joe knew, but for a second he felt a cold chill in his heart. Fear, the icy cold realization that he too would die one day. A most disturbing sensation.

The bike radio crackled out some crime item and Dredd's introspection was broken. Death would wait thought Dredd, at least for a few more hours.

Dredd raced down the skedway, his fate left unknown.

"Death is easy. I just put my hands in and sssqueeze."

Judge Death: Actual voice recording 2124



Thread Zero

Actually is should be:
On those rare occasions. Not IN those rare...

Oh sod it anyway, I was always asleep during english.

P E was my fave. That Miss Butterthighs...Oh I'd love to put her butterthighs on my cheese cracker.  

scojo pure of thought



Better set your phaser to stun.


Thread Zero


Damn, now I know what that "It was always the same" quote reminds me of. The Final Fantasy movie trailer starts with the line "The dream is always the same."

Sorry, but it's been bugging me all morning whether Scojo was referencing other dialogue or not.

Thread Zero

On my life, and shooshi's, I just thought that line up. I didn't nick it from FF. Honest!

Actually the thread title was originally going to be

"It was always the same question..."

But I thought that would spoil it so I left "question" out.



Don't worry!

I just read the line and heard a voice saying it in my head.

Besides if you're going to pinch dialogue, Final Fantasy is hardly the place you'll go to!
