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Rebellion trades & Extreme Editions, what about the Meg?

Started by ukdane, 01 January, 2006, 01:18:13 PM

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The Amstor Computer

Grant --

It's in an ad for the trades in the back of the new Meg.

Jon --

It's fantastic. I think everyone is well aware of the financial pressures that sometimes make including extras or new covers impossible, but they're definitely appreciated when they happen.


Just thought that I'd add that having just bought the Third Rogue Trooper, my doubts (whatever they were) about the change in cover design have evaporated.  It's much better than the first design, and even makes the originals look a bit twee.  And they still go together nicely enough on the shelf.  Matt finish looks reet sophisticated too.

I'm really pleased all the GFD Rogue is being collected like this, and unlike some of the other lines, it's been done in a fairly straightforward manner.

The Adventurer

Yes, the new trade dresses on the TPs are quite boss. The black is sexy and the color splash keeps the varrious lines in sync with their previous DC releases.

Question, is Rogue Trooper: Regene the last Rogue trade for a while? As nice as it is to get a decent series like Rogue so quickly (thanks to the upcoming game I'm sure) it seems to be preempting alot of other titles that could do with reprint collections.

Every other month being Dredd/Rogue solicitations is a little much IMO.



My only complaint about the books covers, and more specifically the spine, having now seen them, is that the colour/black text doesn't stand out, and isn't as easy to read as the colour/white text is. The worst example I have of this, is the latest Dante book.
Magenta/Black is so hard to read at a distance.
As a personal prefernce, I'd rather have the colour icon than the monotone icon. But that's not as bad a problem as the text.



Every other month being Dredd/Rogue solicitations is a little much IMO.

I've not got any of the rogue collections as i'm not a great fan of the series, but as far as i'm concerned the more dredd gns the better. There's tons of great dredd strips that have never been reprinted!


Yeah, I have no complaints about the Dredd releases as they seem to be a nice mix of major stories that haven't been collected before and the tempting Case Files. I think just from the sheer volume of Dredd over the years, and the fact that it's the best known property, means the number is justified, and if anything, restrained.


I agree completely. Let's face it - there has been very little published in the pages of 2000ad to rival dredd. Not knocking them, there have been many wonderful strips and characters, but IMO dredd (at least wagner's dredd) is simply in a different league to everything else. I just hope a few people discover the character through gns like total war and satan's island, and that these books will go some way to repairing the character's image after that awful film. Yeah i know it came out 10 years ago, but it's still the first thing most people mention when you say 'judge dredd'.
Sorry to ramble.

The Adventurer

Right, I have no problem with a new Dredd collection every month.

It's a new Rogue trade every other month that feels suffocating.


Jonathan O

Hi All

Re-Gene, coming out in March, is the last of the classic Rogue books, ending the Finley-Day run. Then in August we are publishing RT: Realpolitik by Gordon Rennie.



Now that's the perfect way to sidestep all the awful middleground RT continuity!

I applaud!
Better set your phaser to stun.


And perhaps there could be a later collection with the ever popular Cinnabar, the Alan Moore short stories and perhaps the upcoming Edginton story. If it's not included in Real Politik then the latest Grennie Rogue could be included as well?


Although it's a shame that this means the best Rogue Trooper tale to date (well, in my opinion)?John Smith's wonderful Cinnebar?won't be collected in TPB form any time soon. Frankly, I'd rather have had that than the dire Regene, but there you go. Still, at least we didn't have to suffer The Hit.


I'd like a Venus Bluegenes anthology


Cinnabar is superb and I wouldve thought that would have been well worth a reprint over anything else.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

Grant Goggans

Absolutely.  As a "Nu Earth Flashback," the excellent Cinnabar - easily one of, if not the best Rogue adventures - has every reason to stand alongside the current series.
