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im looking for 1990s thunder action comic book

Started by stront692, 01 January, 2006, 09:57:31 PM

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hi there, im wondering if you can help - im looking for an old weekly or fortnightly called thunder action starring the thunder agents and an original strip called jonny thunder in half the comic. it started about late 80s or early to mid 90s and didnt last long, was published by power comics for a steve something (cant remember his surname, very strange and foreign sounding) - he used his own money and was tricked into over committing himself by producing a very professional product in our sale or return marketplace which crucified him in debt when the returns landed on him as he was essentially producing the new issue to pay his returns bill, i think he was 27 or something when he committed suicide.
there should be warehouses of them unsold somewhere, any help or information greatly appreciated


...i remember the comic, lasted for 4 issues i think, afraid i dont have them anymore, didnt know the guy who produced it committed suicide, how sad....


he was encouraged to move it from monthly to fortnightly after the 'overwhelming response' from the first issues, which was basically a misreading of the distributors sales pitches to all magazines

yep very sad indeed, steve orzokowski or summit his name was

thanks for that anyway


I only saw one issue of this - if it's the book I'm thinking of - and it seemed a very impressive comic.  Is it the book with a serialised adaptation of Larry Niven's Ringworld in it?  It was sort of a chunky version of 2000ad, but with superheroes in.  Very impressive, but a bit expensive for the time, which probably knobbled it.
Damn shame that the guy suffered so badly that he took his own life.
