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Started by Quirkafleeg, 06 January, 2006, 05:34:37 AM

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Dark Jimbo

And with those words, Funt stepped down as chairman for the Red Dwarf appreciation society.


The more I watch my Deadwood DVDs, the more convinced I am that this show is the closest thing to modern Shakespeare in the richness of its language, range of allusions and the precision of its characterisations.  Or, if you'll pardon my french, "that fucking cocksucker Shakespeare". Swerengen and EB in particular are given to the most amazing soliloquies.  My GF and I spend many happy hours trying to work out which Hoople Head is Steve, why we like Dan so much, and whether Al's Dirt Worshipper head is the one from the Air Burial that the insufferable Bullock interrupts.  I loves it, I do.


Werl, having watched the first episode now, I can officially say...

I liked it. Wasn't the best thing on tv (and, indeed, the opening line almost made me turn off in disgust) but it was worth a watching.

Stay tuned next week for my equally in-depth review of War and Peace.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


They've put it back to 11:20 here in the colonies, which doesn't say much about the faith they're putting in the show - especially when it goes out on bbc2.
But it represents a chance to gauge the tolerance for such shows by the general viewing public, so it's in our interests to watch it with an open mind.  After which, we can savage it to our hearts content.
Then main thing is that it is funny - it'll live or die on its merits as a sitcom, not as sci-fi.  As long as the team who made it realise that, it should do well.

Rob Spalding

I quite liked it.  Chuckled in quite a few places (that's like a full blown belly laugh coming from me)
Very pretty SFX too.
Will continue to watch.

"Many things have changed in the last few years, for instance Peterborough has a new through road..."
Love that line



Hyperdross more like...

Anyone who likes it is obviously a pod person.


Enjoyed the f/x and the general production - liked some of the gags and most of the acting - but it wasn't exactly firing the gags out every second. Still, gonna keep watching.



Tripe, but with the odd funny bit.  More than anything else, it just reminded me of the hit and miss sketch shows the bbc have been churning out lately.  It does have a likeable stupidity to it all, but such things only flourish when devoid of the creative restraint of a narrative structure that necessitates scenes and dialogue that the writers can't think of anything humourous to do with.  If it was sort of a Dark Star affair, and dealt entirely with inter-character comedy, it would have fared a lot better, but the deliberately 'hilarious' conceits to sci-fi (the ship's pilot, the 'wacky' control system, the aliens, the costumes in the 'next week' segment) all seem to hint that the plot was written before the jokes were - likewise, the show's format seems to have been run up by the producers rather than the writers.
There's bits in there that could be salvaged, it's just that they'd been spread pretty thin by the cumbersome and unfunny plot.  Pity, really.

Adrian Bamforth

Personally I think there's a lot of potential left in the Garth Merenghi idea of creating a mock 60s/70s show, I think it would be a good laugh if someone created something parallel to Star Trek or old Doctor Who. The retro quality is funny if done right, it makes a virtue of cheepness, and Alan Moore has proven that you can create a comedy retro kind of product (Tom Strong etc) which can still occasionally resonate or come up with something new.


Matt Timson

Hmmm... not watched it yet.  I thought the preview that was on TV last week (which I assume was the same as the online version) was good in parts, dire in others- but then I managed to watch and enjoy Red Dwarf that way for years...

Roger Godpleton

Saw about 3 minutes of it, then turned over to laugh at Lost.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Mr C

At least Lost had an exploding man.

"Be careful! Nitro-glycerin is very temperment-" BOOM!
Heh heh heh

Matt Timson

Yeah, nice one- I've not had time to watch that yet either.

Give me fucking strength...

Funt Solo

Nobody mention the pterodactyls!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.