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*SPOILERS*: Late-comers to Battlestar Gala...

Started by longmanshort, 18 January, 2006, 04:08:40 PM

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After the events of the season finale for s1, Baltar gets a bollocking for screwing up the Cylon tests, yet is never seen to do another one in the course of the show (up to episode 13 of season two, at any rate).
'Purely symbolic' sounds like a stretch to me.
I don't agree that Baltar could get away with being a fruitloop, brilliant or not.  They'd force him to see a shrink, at the very least - or put him under observation.  And why would any parent call their child 'Gayest' Baltar?  You're just asking for him to grow up to be vaguely camp.

And the producers did do one thing right that can't be denied - scenes were shot for much of season one with the actor playing the character of 'Boxey', yet each and every one was cut from the episodes and the character written out of the series entirely.  Huzzah!

Funt Solo

We'll know it's jumped the shark when someone gets a robot dog as a pet.

I wonder if non-computer nerds have spotted the sheer idiocy of non-networked computers / networked computers business.

It makes sense that you wouldn't want the ship to be part of some vast wireless internet-stylee system - but just plugging one computer into another shouldn't allow the Cylons to suddenly be able to beam in a virus - any more than they could with a single computer.  Very silly science.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Former "Xena: Warrior Princess" star     Lucy Lawless has signed on for a 10-episode story arc on Sci Fi Channel's red-hot "Battlestar Galactica."

Lawless will reprise the role she took this season as an investigative journalist who turns out to be an undercover agent for the villainous Cylon faction. Lawless' second appearance on the ensemble drama is slated for February 24. Her arc will commence with the show's third season, which begins production in April in Vancouver.

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

Link:" target="_blank">A law unto her own.



Funt Solo

Crap - spoilers!

And I can't even be annoyed because I've spoilered the hell out of season #1 on this thread already.

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


er, sorry having yet to watch the mini and season one (despite them arriving last week) I had NO idea that it was a spoiler.

I've changed the Thread title to contain Spoilers so that others don't have their enjoyment ruined.

Appologies again.



I like it.

The strength far outweighs its weaknesses.The "plan" of the cylons doesn?t makes sense, given their continuing efforts to blow the humans out of space.

But the characterisations are great, and the politics are for this kind of show rather nuanced and interesting, especially the conflict between the military (Adama) and the government (Roslyn). And especially that the civilians are now (we are here mid-season 2) becoming more or less following religious.

And I love the new Starbuck. This could have been lame, just switching the character to a woman because it is the sign of the times, but the character has gone from strength to strength. You just believe that she is a loose canon on the road to self-destruction.

Same goes for Balthar. He is a vile, whining coward, but sometimes you just feel sorry for him.

Considering that the original was pure trash, as a remake this is great. Along Deadwood the best tv has to offer at the moment.