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Started by simon, 05 February, 2006, 09:34:17 PM

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Hidden is a great film


I, Cosh

The new Michael Haneke one or the old one with Kyle MacLachlan. (Don't kiss the dog.)
We never really die.


Saw this last night. Very unsettling. Had trouble sleeping last night as a result - kept running over it. The bastard makes you think, which is why it's so unsettling.


I, Cosh

Okay, sorry. I haven't seen this yet, but plan to catch it over the weekend.

Haneke is a consistently "interesting" (if not always "enjoyable" or "any good") film maker. If you haven't seen Funny Games then seek out a copy forthwith. It as another very unsettling film and also provides a definitive answer to any pub arguments about who the most evil character in cinema is.
We never really die.

pile night

i have never seen hidden what is it?