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Started by johnone, 10 February, 2006, 02:56:47 AM

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Late last year I posted an idea of what the extreme edition could print next , it turned into quite the debate with everyone giving their two cents worth and was really enjoyable to read but I remember writng one thing "as long as they don't print Bad City Blue again " and what do you guys do ? print the bloody thing! now I know you're also reprinting silo (a bizzare little tale from 1990)but BAD CITY BLUE? (the clue to the ending is in the title , thats right in 1986 2000ad printed what I can only call the worlds longest running BAD  pun)so I think I've figured it out if i say I don't want it you're going to do it ok here goes "gosh I really wouldn't want a contract writing for 2000ad!"there I said it all I gotta do now  is sit back and wait.


I think we're getting to the point where the Extreme Editions are turning into 'Best of' compliations as the things that are long enough are (hopefully) being made into GN's and what is left are too short to fill out a whole EE.


Theres nothing wrong in doing that, over the years 2000ad has run plenty of stuff while although brilliant are too short for GN , As I said already Silo is one of the most bizarre stories that 2000ad  ever printed (more psycological horror than Sci-Fi) and it has been 16 years since it last saw print and lets not forget the early stuff (why not a full reprint of Ro-Busters , it still has one of the best finales as Hammerstein and Ro-Jaws walk into the sunset)hell I'd even be willing to sit through Dan Dare if only to look at the amazing early artwork of Dave Gibbons but Bad City Blue? dear grief Opaque I don't know if you know how bad it is , it's been twenty years since I read it and its still burnt into my memory as one of the worst dare I say as bad as Ant Wars!!!!


Yup, yer right Johnone..'Extreme Edition' was a good idea in theory, in practice it has evolved into RUBBISH...ok, 'Firekind'..not everyone's cup of tea..but of a reasonable quality (I loved it in '93..but now..)..but 'Bad City Crap'?? And 'Meltdown Moron'?? What about an Edition of 'Future Shocks'? Or at a push more 'Silo' type stuff? I'm paying extra subs for FUDGE out of loyalty..enough already, pls!!

Bad Andy

Miserable sods.

I for one like the Extreme Editions as it allows some of the newer readers (ie post prog 600) catch up with some of the older stories.

It gives a nice belt of nostalgia too and a good look at how stories used to be written. If you don't like what they are putting out - don't buy it. It's only ?3 after all.

Funt Solo

Seems a bit backward to subscribe to a "magical mystery tour" and then complain that you don't like what you get.

I don't particularly like Bad City Blue (it's the longest Future Shock ever) but I subscribed - I took a risk - I can't complain.

If you feel so strongly you should cancel your sub and just buy them off the shelf if you like them.

It's all just horses for courses, anyway:  you don't like Meltdown Man, but I think it's an all-time tooth classic.  Gorgeous art from Belardinelli and a wonderfully high concept storyline with a vast cast of endearing characters.  It was in the comic when I first started reading, so, for me, it's also got the nostalgia factor, and stands the test of time well.

Firekind - I absolutely love.  Gorgeous art, engaging, highly imaginative premise.  What's it lost since '93?

And so on...
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

House of Usher

I don't buy the Extreme Editions, but I thought it was pretty incredible when I saw the ad for Bad City Blue/Silo/Tribal Memories. This seems like a statement of intention to reprint everything that's ever appeared in 2000ad; otherwise I can't see the rationale behind selecting these stories for another go round.

It gives a nice belt of nostalgia too

...but I (for my own part) can't see the nostalgia justification in this particular Edition, because they're neither very old, nor 2000ad at its best. I can't help thinking there's material somewhere in the vaults more deserving of a reprint, but I guess it's all just waiting its turn.

As I say, I don't buy the Extreme Editions myself, so feel free to give more weight to the opinions of those who do.

Bad Andy

because they're neither very old, nor 2000ad at its best.

Well the latter point might be true but not very old? Silo is the youngest, and that's from 16 years ago! Christ, how old does it have to be?

Would you say that Hewligan's Haircut or Time Flies was too recent, because they were in the same prog.

Actually I wouldn't mind seeing a Time Flies collection. I doubt they'd do Hewligan (despite the success of the Gorillaz) because there was a tbp out of that once.


Max - I think johnone deserves an icon, don't you?">

House of Usher

Reprints from 1986, 1988 and 1990. I'll concede Bad City Blue (1986) is old. But I'm still not nostalgic for it !

Dark Jimbo

Heh, nice one Duds.

They really shouldn't blaspheme the mighty name of Meltdown Man, but I agree with a few points, namely that they stopped being 'extreme' after about the third one. Some of the choices have been very questionable (like that terrible Bix Barton one, shudder) but then again, where else are these stories going to be read by new readers (like me)?

I unsubscribed to them early on, and now only buy the ones I like the look of, and this way works brilliantly. Best way really.


I like Bad City Blue. There I've said it. It was in the first prog I ever got and I will always have a soft spot for it. Its not up there with The Watchmen fair enough but there are far, far worse tales that could go in.

I'd never read Silo and quite fancied it. In my opinion its pure pish but I'm sure some like it.

I also don't like Tribal Memories but last time I said that I was shouted down so I wont mention that again.

Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?

I, Cosh

I also liked Bad City Blue, although it's not one like, say, Harry 20 which I've dug out over the past twenty years.

I vaguely remember Silo being okay, probably more for the artwork than the story. How was I to know what it would lead to.

I have absolutely no recollection of Tribal Memories. Given that Pete Milligan was one of my favourite writers at the time, this leads me to conclude it probably wasn't very good.
We never really die.


Ooops! Perhaps my negativity deserves to be lambasted--fair enough..I just wanted to play devil's advocate in a debate about how the '2000ad' universe should be presented to the buying public (new & old)..I've always worried that 2000ad might fade away or morph into something horrible..I've been buying it and all it's offshoots (yes, including THAT film)since day one..familiar loyalty does sometimes develop into a kind of contempt..


Ok just a few things in response to whats been said
  Actually I like the Icon think its a good Idea,
and no it's not about the age its about the quality of the story, I am in my early thirties now and I remember buying the first editions of the best of 2000ad monthly, they would regularly reprint stories that were less than five years old but I didn't care because the stories were GOOD!I don't care if the extreme editions reprinted stuff from 3 years ago as long as they were good hence I don't mind silo  being reprinted but 2000ad is 29 years old!!! surely there is better material out there  than BAD CITY BLUE? I mean why not the original v.c's? its over 15 years since they were printed as gn or what about HARRY TWENTY? the greatest sci-fi prison break  story ever!!!(just as long as christopher lambert never finds out about it)
The extreme edition should be special (seeing the entire run of Harlem Heroes was sheer Genius) and each edition should try to be of that quality.

p.s I loved time flies and for those who say the extreme edition is only ?3 quid , well I live in Ireland and after exchange rates and book tax (yes a book tax )its closer to eight so I have to be slightly choosier.