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Bristol Comic Expo

Started by Rob Spalding, 15 February, 2006, 04:54:41 AM

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Rob Spalding

Who's going?

I know this looks a bit early, but the main hotel is already fully booked and I'd like to do both days, because getting back from Bristol at the time I finished in Brighton would be a bugger.

Is anyone looking to go halves on a room or anything?

I should also have a large wodge of The Courier to hand out in a "You want to hire me" effort, so any left can be nabbed if any of you care.

I know Jon Oliver is going, so Rebellion will have a presence, but there aren't any 2000ad regulars listed.

Link:" target="_blank">Bristol Comic Expo


Well I'm going but I have yet to book a hotel (but my flight is booked).



FutureQuake will be there.

So will Me and Mini-bolt.

Bolt-01- yet to sort a B&B.


Gonna have to abstain this year.
Still haven't paid for last year...
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Rob Spalding

Bolt, will that be the next issue of FQ?
'Cos apparently I'm in that.  Not heard anything since the "Yeah, we'll take that story."

Where are people staying if they ain't in the Ramada?


Indubitably sir, indubitably!

I shall have a stall and I've booked the hotel room and generally thought too much about it!


As this is my poor year i will unfortunately not be able to attend.

Maybe next yer.


Guys,it's not just the Ramada that is fully booked,all the hotels in Bristol are filling up fast for that weekend.Why? Because it's pretty likely that the FA Cup will be played at Cardiff,not Wembley.

Book now,not later.


Me, and the rest of the Synnamon boys are already booked in.

Matt Timson

Booked at the Ramada yonks ago.

Bast- go anyway.  You'll probably cark it before your credit card bills become a major problem anyway...


I won't be there this year - no time, or money.

Mock Molcher for me, eh?

Matt Timson

I don't think I could face the accompanying lecture...



Booked with the ramada yesterday (Saturday only, so if you lot could keep some stamina for Saturday night that would be great).


Garamin: You got mail.



I won't be.....i'll go to Dreddcon if there is one I think..

Simon Davis