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Hairy Porter

Started by simon, 15 February, 2006, 06:05:52 PM

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Went to see "Goblet of Fire " at the cinema in Pershore last was great...if i was 10 , I would be spending today drawing Mermen and Dragons (instead of Elephant-like blokes) has restored my faith in those sort of films ...especially after the absolute hideousness of the Star Wars films and the snoozability of Kong.
just thought I'd say...don't mean nuthin'...

Simon Davis


Blimey is that still on?

And at least it means one Droid knows the characters. I thought I'd chance my arm at the next Dreddcon and get Potter sketches in a hardback of 'Philosophers Stone' for my girlf.


Assuming there is a Dreddcon this year.

Assuming I go.

Assuming I can be bothered to queue.

Assuming Nicky hasn't broken the hypnotic programming by then.


"is it still on?"'s just is the depths of Worcestershire after's sad that Peter Benchley didn't live to see his creation hit the big screen in these parts......etc etc



Shocked and amazed. At least you still have a cinema. My hometown is between Wigan, Bolton, and Manchester meaning I can see new films quickly but have to travel out to do so.

Still that's all besides the point. I really enjoyed it. I'd seen the first but not bothered with the others but been persuaded to watch the latest. Great cast with amongst others two Doctor Who's and the chance to see the upcoming Doctor face off against a big villain from the new series, though with roles reversed in the hero/baddy scale. And always good to see Eric Sykes in anything.