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Now that's what I call 2000 A.D.

Started by DavidXBrunt, 17 February, 2006, 05:51:14 AM

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So... you don't like Mick.....'re not ... keen on Carlos...hmmm
(sniffs...yup. That smells like a wind up to me...)
 Maybe Bunty would be more your show?
Still... I like Simon's work too.

Funt Solo

I can only imagine that Carlos would consider himself very fortunate that he doesn't pump your 'nads.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


>I haven't read it for a long time, but I particularly remember absolutely hating his work on Slaine.

Sky Chariots
Progs 352 to 360
This is simply not the best Slaine story, not the best thing Mike ever did but the best art 2000AD has ever printed. The storytelling is superb and if I was stranded on a desert island and could only take one thing out of my box's of progs it'd have to be....>
Warrior's Dawn
Prog 335
Sky Chariots
Progs 352 to 360
Slaine the King
Progs 500 to 519
The Killing Field
Prog 582
Slaine the Mini-Series
Progs 589 to 591

I may be tempted to take the Rebellion version over the Titan one>
as it contains more strips:
The Time Monster
Prog 330
The Beast in the Broch
Progs 331 to 334
Warrior's Dawn
Prog 335
The Beltain Giant
Prog 336
Bride of Crom
Progs 337 to 342
The Creeping Death
Prog 343
The Bull Dance
Prog 344
Heroes' Blood
Progs 345 to 347
The Shoggey Beast
Progs 348 to 351
Sky Chariots
Progs 352 to 360
The Origins
Prog 352

The book may have some other Slaine stories in but the Titan edition is the one I'd take for its glossy pages and its a hardback edition so good for fighting of those nubile female islanders whilst I'm trying to read it.

I'm a reasonable man and wil listen to other people arguments on many a topic and I'll even let you try and convince me that Siku can draw Dredd but lets not beat about the bush if you dont like Sky Chariots then your first against the wall and you can choose any one of 6 bullets to meet your maker.>

Link:" target="_blank">Slaine The King">


I loves ya YT2...
 Err..not Cowboy love though...
;-) R


>Err..not Cowboy love though...

I now have an image in my head that I cant get rid of..............">

Bart Oliver

++ if you dont like Sky Chariots then your first against the wall ++

Yes indeed.
Obviously you're not a golfer.



DXB: Not exactly greatest hits, but you might want to remind your mate about the Digital Archives, that reprint the first 20 issues in 2 volumes.
Also there are four bumper Best of 2000 ad's the profiles can be found on the link below.

Link:" target="_blank">Bumper Collections




Oh I had a t-shirt if that... and got stared out by a GI on Crete because of it or was that my Sandino t-shirt?">
DDT did a job on me

Carlsborg Expert

I think this got me thinking progs are back on top again.">

Carlsborg Expert

I know all the cool people are doing something far more wothwhile. But for those who are not...

Link: mms://" target="_blank">Feel the Force!

Funt Solo

That link's trying to run something suspicious on my PC.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Carlsborg Expert

Im getting a tiscali broadband page and then a windows media player. Whats the slink?( Problem with your linkage?)


It works fine on my NTL broadband - do you have windows media player? It's a link to a trailer for a Star wars video game in case it's not worth your hassle.


I got that Jackie book for my sister in law for Christmas, and much fun it is. The idea of doing something like that for 2K is very appealing, with stuff like letters and star scans and reader art, maybe a few one-off strips or Tharg tales, all that stuff which will never get collected otherwise but was a big part of what made it all fun back in the day.

My reservation about this idea is that it encourages the perception of Tooth as a nostalgic thing from the past. It's amazing how often I get people saying something to the effect of "blimey, is it still going?". On the other hand, given that everyone seems to think it's long since bitten the dust, maybe any publicity is good publicity.