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Now that's what I call 2000 A.D.

Started by DavidXBrunt, 17 February, 2006, 05:51:14 AM

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I, Cosh


to me there is a difference between the undeniably great design of those covers and their execution.


sorry but I can't agree: this is precisely the sort of adoration I was nonplussed by. I notice that you have (presumably deliberately) excised the definitive Slaine artist from your desert island prog. I enjoyed Belardinelli's take, liked the - at the time - out there work of Simon Bisley and I can see how Clint Langley is carrying on the tradition, but Glenn Fabry will always be the man for me.

I don't want to post a flippant response to "best art in the prog ever", so I shall think long and hard about that.

Cheers, Pete.

PS Sorry for the hijacking of this post.
We never really die.

Carlsborg Expert

Thanks Button. The ntl e-mail works fine. It is still accepting.

W. R. Logan

>I notice that you have (presumably deliberately) excised the definitive Slaine artist from your desert island prog.

I left out Bisley because unlike most comic fans I havent been blinded by the emporers clothes that is Simon Bisley. If anything his pumped up Frazetta rip off was the start of the decline of Slaine, instead of being an ordinary looking person who had warp spasms he was pumped up all the time in some conan style rip off which every following artist tried to copy. Because of the fan reaction to very bad artwork we had the muddy brown period of Bisley clones and although we've come through that period Bisley is still producing very bad artwork that people still seem to think is great. The only thing that made his recent outing on The Authority V's Lobo comic was that his work was inked by Henry Flint.
Whilst peopel are prepared to pay over the odds for bad artwork and tempremental late artists the myth of Bisley will continue and they'll be some very bad comics out there.">

Funt Solo

Personally, when I came to choose the line-up for my fantasy Bumper Prog, I limited myself to everything before prog 500.  Given that 400-500 idisplays something of a lull in energy, and that 1-100 has been reprinted ad infinitum (and also displays the comic's teething troubles), you'll find nearly all my suggestions in the range 100-400.

So, no Bisley.

Glenn Fabry - excellent artist.

In fact, Cosh - let's see your list for a bumper prog, then.  This is all imaginary - so you can put your Fabry Slaine in there, miss out McMahon - whatever you like.

(We'll have to agree to disagree on those McMahon covers, though - I find them beyond reproach, whilst you clearly feel differently.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

Jeez, this has taken all morning! I know it's just a bit of fun, but I found myself getting all worked up about striking the right balance between humour and more serious stuff as well as trying not to miss out any of the classic characters, writers and artists. Unfortunately, a lot of the really good stuff is too long to fit into something like this, so no Bad Company, no Anderson, no Halo Jones, no Bryan Talbot, no Arthur Ranson and so on.

JD: Destiny's Angels           - 50
DR & Quinch Go Straight           - 12
Zenith: Prologue: Ground Zero   - 6
Slaine: The Beltain Giant   - 6
Slaine: The Bull Dance           - 6
Hewligan's Haircut           - 44
Leviathan's Farewell           - 8
Revere Bk 1: Finder's Edge   - 37
Ace Trucking: Too Many Bams   - 31
Bonjo from Beyond the Stars   - 10
Zenith: Interlude 3: Maximan   - 8
SD: The Shicklgruber Grab   - 36
JD: The Midnight Surfer           - 43

I went for two different Dredd tales to bookend the collection with the beautiful Leviathan's Farewell (interestingly one of only two comic stories my mum ever admitted to liking) in the middle as a surrogate Anderson story.

Go Straight is a laugh-riot from the minute Quinch pulls off his plaster and eats it, while Hewligan and Revere are just two of my favourite writers working with two of the coolest artists in the business. On the subject of cool artists, I couldn't leave out Kevin O'Neill and the Comic Rock stories have been reprinted to death, so I went for Bonjo instead.

I went for two one-offs to try and give a flavour of early Slaine (and I know McMahon drew The Beltain Giant, but it's still a quality story.)

ShicklGruber Grab demands inclusion just for the Sternhammer Silencer and while any Ace Trucking would have been welcome, Too Many Bams was the shortest one I could find.

Finally, I wanted to find a way of including Zenith. I'm not sure if I got this right, but I was trying to get the two stories which show the historical Masterman/Maximan bit of the story in isolation.

All this adds up to 297 pages, so we should still have room for a Nerve Centre and a good old fashioned Input page. To top off the retro feel, this should reprint all those letters from Simon Pegg, Warren Ellis and the like which somebody has collated on a website somewhere.
We never really die.

I, Cosh

>I notice that you have (presumably deliberately) excised the definitive Slaine artist from your desert island prog.

I left out Bisley because unlike most comic fans I havent been blinded by the emporers clothes that is Simon Bisley

Emm, I was talking about Glenn Fabry... Although on going back to check my facts, I notice that you included Slaine the Mini Series which he drew so now I look stupid.

We never really die.


Nice list Cosh!
  The Cover from 'THE BELTAIN GIANT',by ...err Mick 'God' McMahon,(as well as some other great 2000AD Art by Gibbons,Bolland,O'Neill etc.) will be on display at the new CARTOON ART TRUST MUSEUM, in Little Russell Street,W1, from next week.
 Support this space (it's a couple of quid to get in), it's the Capital's first Exclusive Cartoon/Comic Art Museum space, and they are interested in a 2000AD updates soon I hope!

W. R. Logan

Although it serious;y needs updating heres a few well knowm Squaxx

Link:" target="_blank">Letters To the Green Dude">