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I've got to tell someone..

Started by simon, 24 February, 2006, 06:31:21 PM

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I'm really not one to get het up but...

HEY! I've come runner-up in the 'PG Tips  Wallace & Gromit design a tea making machine competition'  and won a DVD of  their capers ......I am swollen with pride and it is not a pretty sight......

must stay focussed...

Simon Davis

Richmond Clements

No fair,you're a bloody pro!

Well done that droid!

Matt Timson



I wished I hadn't divulged this info didn't say I couldn't be a drawist...honest...



You're supposd to use your powers only for good, not for self-gain.


I promise it is the one and only time I use them for naughtiness....with great power comes great responsibility...or some such guff...


Matt Timson

Ive been on the phone to PG Tips- they want their tat back...



Did anyone see the episode of the Simpsons where Homer wins the Design a Nuclear Plant competition? It was the one with Frank Grimes.

Very funny.

Oh, well done by the way Simon! Kudos!



How old did you say you were on the application form?


Runner Up?!
Ah..... Bolland must've won.
;-) R


That Bolland, he alays managwes to colour inside the lines

damn him

Adrian Bamforth

Well done, we can only hope your powers never fall into the hands of evil.


I, Cosh

H'mm. Expect some heavy product placement in upcoming Sin/Dex stories:

"Fancy a cuppa Finny?"

"Bejesus, fer sure. As long as it's PG's tips."
We never really die.



I hope the guilt of the thought of all the children crying into their drawing books tonight does not lay too heavy on you... "Daddy I'm sure mine was the bestest." "Don't worry son, all those competitions are rigged" "Well I'm never going to draw again."

This also reminds me of the urband legend(or did it really happen?) of the bloke who won a talent contest where a young, non-famous, Elvis (or was it Sinatra) came second. When Elvis (or Sinatra) later became famous the bloke topped himself.