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peter bagge's 'hate'...

Started by steev., 06 March, 2006, 07:45:48 PM

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how do!

just wondering, anyone here a fan of this?
I'm really enjoying it, very funny indeed!


steve r...


It was a great comic- probably the definative historical record of what it was like to be 20-something in the '90s

Grant Goggans

I read "Buddy Does Seattle" for the first time a couple of months ago.  My ex-girlfriend is Lisa.  For real.">


I liked his flatmate Stinky the best.

The Bradleys version of Buddy's little brother Butch is great too.



It's great, check out the original "the bradlesys" collection which is fantastic too, and if you can find it "studs kirby" is worth checking out too.


I'm going to have to get more, i'm halfway through 'buddy does seattle' at the moment.
I've read a couple of issues of 'apocalypse nerd' which was great too !

steve r.


Heh. I know someone who knows him, and will probably run into him at some point.

For bonus stalker points I know where he lives.


What syncronicity! I'd just this weekend got out all my 'late Hates' for a read-through. Buddy gets mellow in his old age, but that one where he runs out into the wilds of New Jersey rather than face going to a U2 concert is hilarious right the way through...
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.


I know this is an old subject but i Just had to mention i've got onto reading the later 'hates'.
I really like the way it slightly calms down as Buddy gets older.
His relationship with his family, espeically his sister and her kids is great!Plus he has a ridiculous monster truck!
Its probably the funniest comic i've read! I wish there were more comics like this around!
Did anyone read 'Sweat shop'?The comic he did for dc?
Any other funny comics you could suggest i check out?


steve r.


One of my fave comics EVER!!!

I too have just found my HATE stash while moving house.



I've reread my Hate stack recently as well. It seems to get funnier as I get older. I have less pity for twenty year olds now that I'm out of my own twenties. Empathy gets in the way of comedy.

Other Favorite Comedy Comics From the 80s-90s
Flaming Carrot
Ed the Happy Clown
Sam And Max
Buck Godot
Cerebus (It was damn funny once)
Jaime's work on Love And Rockets
Fission Chicken
Tank Girl
Those Annoying Post Bros (Howarth should work    for 2000Ad)
Tug and Buster