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Peep Show to Return?

Started by radiator, 10 March, 2006, 08:31:55 PM

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Apologies if this has been posted before, but despite the rumours of cancellation, the greatest sitcom of the decade Peep Show has apparently been commisioned for a forth series.
If this is true, then this is the best news ive heard all week, and although series three was not in the same league as previous series, it's still IMO the best thing on TV and far preferable over any other 'comedy' show on at the moment.

Link:" target="_blank">Scroll down a bit


Well, hurrah! Peep Show is ace, and it's great to hear it's coming back. As for IT Crowd, it's not fantastic, but it's good to have a reasonable sit-com of this sort, and it's better than C4 buying everything from the USA.


That 'Totally Doctor Who' guff worries me somewhat...
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.