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Started by Thread Zero, 02 June, 2002, 07:12:22 AM

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Thread Zero

Hershey sat in her office. She hadn't had a good day. If some respects, although she would never publicly admit it, being chief judge had become a bit of a chore. An endless routine of paperwork and meetings.

The Argutarian Ambassador one week, signing the amended goldfish vaccine bill, the next. Frankly it was getting a bit tiresome. Hershey yearned for the streets, to be out there in the heart of the city she now ruled over.

But it wasn't to be. More paperwork. In fact she had so much on her desk, maybe she could build a small block out of the damn stuff then watch as she knocked it over. Hmm...boredom she thought - the cancer of the mind.

There were advantages being chief judge, this were true of course, and power was the most heady of brews - but something was missing. Hershey sat there thinking what it was. What was lacking? Then it came to her. It was simple. Excitement. She wanted something exciting to do. Something that would test her mettle.

Pull a few 59'c, a strip search or two. Hell maybe just a litter rap offence. Something, anything to get her out of her office. But no, she had accepted the office of chief judge and that was that.

Hershey got up and walked over to the large plas windows of her grandiose office. She looked out onto the city, her magnificent city, and sighed. Power she mused, a deceptive thing indeed.

Maybe the future would test her, give her a challenge worthy of her position. Until then.....

Chief Judge's office 2124


Oh god not that again. Just quit with it scojo. QUIT it.

Ok sorry.

Do that again and I take the cat back to the rescue home. You have been warned.


Moo moo


Thread Zero


Slight subtle typo in paragraph. Hmm. Must change.

Hershey sat in her office. She hadn't had a good day. In some respects, although she would never publicly admit it, being chief judge had become a bit of a chore. An endless routine of paperwork and meetings.

I wish i could type.

And get a life too.

Oh well night night all.

scojo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Never mind Arghh! what happened to your recent poll?  It has gone before I had chance to vote in it.