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More Spaced?

Started by radiator, 23 March, 2006, 07:18:46 PM

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Hi there, just listening to last night's edition of 'chain reaction' on the radio 4 site. Apparently he hints that he'd like to do an hour long special of 'Spaced' to bring the show to a satisfying close. Fingers crossed eh? Still well worth a listen - it's Bill Bailey interviewing.

Bad Andy

I was quite satisfied with the ending of series 2.

Still - doesn't mean I'm not going to have a listen

Link:" target="_blank">Listen again fun!


New Spaced?

Oh please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please let it happen...


There was a short "wrap everything up" type scene included on the special edition DVD.
Dunno if it was meant to be "canon" or just a fanboy pleasing titbit, though.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


:: I was quite satisfied with the ending of series 2.

Likewise -- I thought the whole thing ended very well, and I'm therefore cautious about any plans at all to bring the series back. Still, it'd be good for Jessica Stevenson to be in something non-shit again.


I'd look forward to it, though sadly it's time may have passed.

Anyway, chain reaction is back!  Gah, why did no one tell me, I love that show.


'I was quite satisfied with the ending of series 2.'

Yeah, so was i, in a way. It would have been too cheesy for tim and daisy to get together.Although one thing that can't be argued is that there simply aren't enough episodes! It would be really great if they made some more, providing they were up to the high standard they have set. I haven't actually listened to the chain reaction show yet, waiting for my housemate to leave the room, so i don't know exactly what he (pegg) said.

'it's time may have passed'

You could be right there. The whole 'nostalgia/clever clever referencing' genre may now be a relic of the late nineties/millenium, and has since been done to death.

In semi-related comedy/radio 4 news, the complete series of Robert Webb and David Mitchell's radio 4 show 'That Mitchell and Webb Sound' is due for release on cd soon. Haven't heard it, but I have heard it's great, so I'll have to buy it, i reckon.

Link:" target="_blank">Pre order here!


"You could be right there. The whole 'nostalgia/clever clever referencing' genre may now be a relic of the late nineties/millenium, and has since been done to death."

You don't need to tell me that :p

Devons Daddy

i have heard simon pegg is going to be in Mission impossible 3. not sure if thats true,but read in Q magazine.

he has some more big time big $$$ offers as well apparently.

good on him if thats true. always good to know a fellow SQUAXX makes it big.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


The Mission Impossible 3 thing is true.  I'm guessing it's the role that Ricky Gervais turned down.


'i have heard simon pegg is going to be in Mission impossible 3. not sure if thats true,but read in Q magazine'

You really should have a listen to the interview, it's very funny indeed. Pegg talks about his experiences of making MI:3, Shaun, Spaced, and some nice little tidbits about the forthcoming 'Hot Fuzz', which sounds fantastic (Steve Coogan, Edward Woodward, Bill Bailey - hows that for a cast?). Plus you get to listen to Pegg and Bailey reminisce about their old touring days. Oh, and Pegg states catergorically that he will NOT be appearing in MI:4, perhaps cos he hated the experience, or maybe because his character gets killed off in 3.
Link is at the top of this thread.