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Should I get 2000ad or the meg?

Started by jackstarr, 27 March, 2006, 07:05:08 AM

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I stopped reading both 2000ad and the Meg this time last year (just at the start of the dredd/cyborg story) partly due to financial reasons, partly because I had no time to read, and partly because I'm in and out of the country and have months without reading, then a crazy catch-up time.  

Have I been missing much?

I think it's time I picked up an issue - but which is the stronger at the mo - tooth or the meg?


The next Meg due is something of a relaunch, with a price of ?2.99 instead of ?4.50.

The weekly has been stronger of late and the issue that's currently on sale has the start of a new Rogue Trooper spin off, a Future Shock, and the start of a new Dredd tale so would make as good a restart point as any you're likely to get this side of Prog 2007.

Get both.


Wagner & Ezquerra's Dredd history mega-epic is due to begin soon in the prog, so if you can only get one, I'd go for that.

Mind you, the Meg's going through some interesting changes right now, too...
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

House of Usher

2000ad is currently just a little bit of a better read than the Megazine - Judge Dredd and ABC Warriors are the highlights.

But the Megazine is soon to get yet another format change, with a new cheaper price of ?2.99 - once the new line up of strips settles in, whatever they may be, it may prove to be a better read than 2000ad as it has done in the past.

If your budget runs to it, I'd recommend buying both.

Check out the 2000ad reviews website for an idea of what's in each and see if there's anything you like the sound of.

Link:" target="_blank">


House of Usher

(I meant, but the link still works the same. It's late and I'm tired.)


Wow, thanks for the quick response!

The price cut in the meg is a surprise - I think I'll try 'em both!  Problem is, if I decide I want both of them I can't really stretch to subscribing to both at the moment - and I spend so much time moving countries that I need to subscribe to get any at all!


Quick thought - any big events in the last year I need to know about?


I'd avoid until they sort themesleves out, at the moment it's riddled with some kind of malware.

House of Usher

I thought that was fixed. That explains why my security software just informed me it had blocked an attempt to infiltrate my computer.


Devons Daddy

tough call
but the prog is bloody outstanding. weekly does of sheer brillance.

start there,it will be not long until you get into the whole and feel the need for the meg.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!


what an agonising choice you`ve got there. Yes, You`ve missed a fair bit in both; good articles in the Meg, Caballistics rocking the house in the progs, Dredd being good in both, Jack Point being cool in the Meg. I can`t remember what else, but you get the point.
 On the bonus side you`ve missed the immensely tedious Dreddfiles, but a lot of people like that.

If I had to choose, I`d chose the Megazine - it feels like more of a treat and takes ages to read. But it`s a close call


How along ahs the MEg been around. I myself have only noticed it witin the last five years.

Pratically since the weekly Prog had a face-lift.


I've been subscribing to both for the past 15 months or so, I jumped in on the last couple of total war episodes in the prog.

For my money the prog has been far better. If I'm honest the amount of text, articles and reviews in the meg have done my head in on occasion and add to that charley's war and the bogeyman, some issues have been crap. But then weigh it up against some cool Dredd stories, Devlin Waugh, Simping Detective, Middenface (superb art!) and it makes it all worth while again.

If your only going to choose one tho, its subscribe to the prog. Get this weeks and you'll be in on the new stories from the start, playing catch up is a pain in the arse. And for ?2.99, go and buy the meg as well, if it doesn't float your boat, bin it in a couple of month.


Type "Megazine" in the search box to the left and the first link'll take you to the latest issue. From there, you can click on the little thumbnail to the first issue and find out all about it. (It was released in late 1990.)

As for which to choose, I'd probably go for the Prog over the Meg based on the previous year.