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Dredd Case Files 3

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 10 April, 2006, 06:59:48 PM

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Is this a joke. I got my file No3 this morning and next to the other 2 it LOOKS SHIT. I know it is thinner but all you have to do is stretch the title to fit the previous 2. Yet again NO THOUGHT has gone in to an item that fans collect. This really is poor planning and design work and we have to suffer. Anyone else feel the same.


Stretch the title? That's the sort of thing that would make a typographer weep into their soup. Frankly, I think it looks fine, but there you go.

Artificial Idiot

No thought?! WHAAAAAAT?! The Rebellion trades have, design wise, looked lovely so far! The only thing I'd critize Rellion on is the lack of divider pages between stories in the case files, but otherwise they've been top notch.

I, Cosh

We never really die.

The Amstor Computer

Yep. I suffered all the way through my attractively presented collection, struggling past every well-reproduced page...

...seriously, I know I geek out about some of the issues with previous collections, but the slightly different placing of the title on the spine of this volume was pretty much unavoidable given the different type sizes, which seem to have been dictated by the size of the volume, which in turn seems to have been caused by the GN team trying to ensure that subsequent collections didn't stop halfway through an epic.

Stretching the typeface would have looked awful, and I think that the designer/s have gone the correct route here.

I'd say that - my occasional gripes aside ;-) - a great deal of thought has gone into these collections.

The Adventurer

Someone scan the spine and post it, I want to see.

As someone who's also a bit anal about the tradedress of his collections, I'm currious.




The spine design is exactly the same as the previous volumes, but as the book is thinner, and the type sizes therefore correspondingly smaller, the big "03" on the spine appears higher than the "02" and "01" of the other books when they're side by side on the shelf.

I must say, if that's your idea of "suffering", you must lead an extraordinarily blessed life. Or maybe you just don't have one.


I, Cosh

Another thought. How can you tell the difference when the volumes are scattered across the floor and the cat's clawed half the lettering off anyway?
We never really die.

Grant Goggans

*remembers how that damn Siamese that my ex-wife used to own did that to the spines of my Titan ABC Warriors books, sobs.

You're a cruel and heartless man to remind me, Cosh.


Clawed the lettering off?

I've lived with cats that shredded comics (GRRRRRRRRR),and the cat I've got now has a bizzare inexplicable tendancy to lick and chew plastic (Including comics bags) which even has the Vet Baffled.

But clawing the spines of books?


Grant Goggans

She used those - and Bad Company 1 - as a scratching post.  Well, to be fair, she used the bookshelf as a scratching post; my books were just collateral damage!

The Amstor Computer

Adventurer --

I'll be posting impressions of the latest volume tonight, so you can check out the spine against the previous two then. Still reckon the designers have chosen the least-worst option, TBH...


Just an extra bit. It is just like the Blackflame novels, you get to Dredd`s Whiteout novel and the design has changed as well so it looks odd on your bookcase. Also you are right I have no worries in my life (except for politics, bills, european immigrants etc...) but if you design a book which will have different thickness`s do it right. It seems other companies can do it as I sit and look at soom collections on my shelves.