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Started by steev., 17 April, 2006, 05:26:14 AM

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How do!

I'm half way through a Flashman book by George Macdonald Fraser.
Now, i'm sure i'm miles behind as he's been  writing them for decades,
but i've never read any before.Are there any fans here?
Read a while back that Steve Coogan would love to make a Flashman film.
I can sort of see it working but he may be a bit too skinny to play flashman.




I'm a huge fan, steev. Have read all of them except the very latest one. All worth a look although 'Flashman's Lady' is particularly recommended, as is 'Royal Flash' (his version of 'Prisoner of Zenda') and the last but one book is a bit disapointing.
    There's a movie with Malcom McDowell as Flash, but I don't think it was much chop. Coogan is way too non-physical to play a good Flash, although he'd probably get picked for being a pom and being able to do amusing incompetence and cowardice. But the character really needs someone who can do good 'evil bastard' especially in the early books.
  Flashy is like a one man metaphor for the British Empire. I'd recommend the books to anyone who is interested in military history or anyone who likes fun books.

Link:" target="_blank">Flashman resources


ohhh yes...
 Flashman's great. Got loads of them steve, if you need more to read, I'll get them to you.
 It's what 2000ad needs, some swashbuckling!
:-) Rufus

The Adventurer



Red Seas?

Buckles get swashed all the time.



There's always room for more buckles, especially if you squash them as well as swash them.


Hasn't been any Dante for awhile.... :-(
  I'd love to see more 'Period' stuff.
Sci Fi in the Past...
ahhhh. I'm rambling....


Yes indeed..I'm lucky enough to possess 1st editions of all his Flashman books and most of his others( The General danced at Dawn is urgently required) and I recommend them to everyone..Fraser has a fascinating way of casting new light on the Empire's glorious and inglorious events, without ever over playing Flashy's Victorian public school dialect and colloquilisms(see Kipling in recent progs)..always readable, I never tire of a flick through 'The Papers'..


Cheers for the offer!
I'm reading 'royal flash' at the moment,
Really like the cover art as well!
Flashy's got a great smarmy grin!
I love 'old school' painted covers.
In a possibly backwards looking way, i'd love to see more painted posters espeically for films.

Steve r...


You know what I'd love to see? Your takes on Flashman...


by the way, is there anywhere online where you can see those Flashman covers? I liked them, me.

yours, buckling his swash


I got 'Royal Flash' free with the paper a few months back; that was good. I'll probably get around to some more in good time.

There just aren't enough cads and bounders in modern literature.
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


now that would be fun!
Imagine the reference to get that looking right!

steve r