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help with identifying some art!

Started by o1s1n, 14 May, 2006, 01:22:38 AM

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i purchased some work by Darren Chandler on ebay recently. have them online at

basically four A4 ink and pen pieces of Judge Fear,Fire,Mortis and the Joker (as seen in the dredd/batman die laughing crossover) and a A3 piece of Judge Death.

i did a search for Darren Chandler on this site, and he seems to have only really worked on fanzines. yet i could have sworn i saw that piece of Death somewhere before.
i dunno. anyone got any info id realy appreciate it!


That sort of a pose has been in 2000ad a couple of times but not quite so camp from what I could remember when I saw it on Ebay.

You've got it wrong on your site though. It's not production art from 2000ad. It's fan art, thats all.
Nice Fear though.


i hate not knowing the history behind pieces of art. a lot of time was spent on these. especially the Death one. theres quite a bit of cross hatching in white correction fluid. got me thinking that it was for printing. maybe thats just me getting my hopes up. :D


There was a life-sized Death poster drawn by Bolland years ago that has a very similar pose.

Would you buy some fan art from me as well?

Leigh S

There was a series of 4 "portraits of the Dark Judges by Gary LEach - sometime around the mid 500's

Pete Wells

Personally, I'd like to thank you for buying them! I've got ebay set to send me a daily round up of items with the term "Dredd Original" in them and I was sick of seeing these buggers (even though they're quite nice!)

Now if someone can just buy up those hideous Dredd with Dubya paintings, the Anthony Williams PJ Maybes and the Pete Doherty Swampy's I'd be a happy Pete!


They are quite nice but they are NOT 2000ad original artwork which is what they are being sold as.
It's bad enough people selling comics in the original artwork section of Ebay without fan art being sold in there too.
Now if they had been published in a fanzine or something I'd not have a problem with them.

o1s1n : I've just seen a pic very like the Death page on p86 of the 1986 2000ad Annual


Original Judge Death art for sale! Only 40 English poundees!">

W. R. Logan

Link:" target="_blank">Real Dark Judges Art">


from what i read on the auction, i thought they had been used for publication somewhere. which yes, IS really annoying. and dishonest. although, the fact that the auction price wasnt shooting up should have sent alarm bells off in my head.

in the end they only cost me ?36...which isnt exactly much for five decent pieces of fan art. although, the fact that i'm currently half way through a fine art degree myself makes it a little bit more annoying. :D

cool ill dig out that annual now and have a lookseee.


I've bought some of Darrens art as well but it was (if I remember correctly) described as unpublished or published in a fanzine within the description of the listing as opposed to the title.

Cheap prices and some of it was quite reasonable.
[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


His artwork is nice and miles better than some tat I've seen on Ebay but I just wish fan art wouldn't be sold like that.

I wish I had that Dark Judges artwork Logan posted!

W. R. Logan

>I wish I had that Dark Judges artwork Logan posted!

wan't there a post about it being for sale recently?


Hi there.

The art I sell on ebay always states if it's been published. The pieces showing the Dark Judges, Joker and Dead Anderson were sold on ebay stating they had not been published. These 6 drawings sold for a total of 18 quid. The person that bought them from me then re-sold them on ebay (and that's their choice to do so).
However, aswell as seeming splitting up the 6 pieces- which formed one large picture they have represented these as from the published comic- which they obviously aren't.
I've also noted a few other bits of my work often feature the by line "2000ad artist", even having contacted some of these people to tell them the piece they are showing online was never in 2000ad very few have changed their write-ups.
I did note that one comment in this thread was someones annoyance that "fan art" is sold on ebay- it's certainly better that some artists are selling their fan art in this section as I personally get miffed with sellers who post prints, books about art and comics on this section. At least these posts are "original art"!
It's also difficult to pin point what fan art is.
Am I a fan artist? I wouldn't say so. I get work published in high street magazines and newspapers and make a nice income from commission work. Granted the pieces on ebay are as cheap as chips as I'm relatively unknown in comics and usually have drawn the pieces for my own amusement.


Hi there.

The art I sell on ebay always states if it's been published. The pieces showing the Dark Judges, Joker and Dead Anderson were sold on ebay stating they had not been published. These 6 drawings sold for a total of 18 quid. The person that bought them from me then re-sold them on ebay (and that's their choice to do so).
However, aswell as seeming splitting up the 6 pieces- which formed one large picture they have represented these as from the published comic- which they obviously aren't.
I've also noted a few other bits of my work often feature the by line "2000ad artist", even having contacted some of these people to tell them the piece they are showing online was never in 2000ad very few have changed their write-ups.
I did note that one comment in this thread was someones annoyance that "fan art" is sold on ebay- it's certainly better that some artists are selling their fan art in this section as I personally get miffed with sellers who post prints, books about art and comics on this section. At least these posts are "original art"!
It's also difficult to pin point what fan art is.
Am I a fan artist? I wouldn't say so. I get work published in high street magazines and newspapers and make a nice income from commission work. Granted the pieces on ebay are as cheap as chips as I'm relatively unknown in comics and usually have drawn the pieces for my own amusement.