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Urban Dead

Started by Matt Timson, 28 May, 2006, 02:19:02 PM

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Dog Deever

I got a text message from DXB on Dog Deever's mobile phone. I sent one back- but there are a few others we haven't heard from in a while too- PJ, Wodman, DXB, in fact, look at the Necronauts wiki, and check out the list of characters, we haven't heard from a lot of them.
Too much in game stupidity has made it so that most of my chracters have nowhere near all the skills.
Dog Deever has been playing nearly as long as most and longer than many, but he's still level 6!

Mr Ness is about level 13 or 14 and is going well with most of the survivor skills. I thought we'd had a couple of 'clients', cases now closed. And we still have two under investigation.

Aladdin Sain is still looking for the rest of his bandmates, although he's found the bass player and they have started a squat in an abandonned nightclub- so bandpractice and drinking occupies his time!

There's plenty to do that doesn't have anything to do with skills-levels. We are currently discussing further Malton Events for the Necronauts after the pub crawl is over.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Watch out for the Philosophe Knights.  I'd only just sodding had a sodding revive as well.

The Monarch

Shing knight: She is becoming more of an uber bad ass every single day.

Nehbuhloh: soon Malton shall be his bwah ha ha ha ha!

Exterminator1: Lives to fight another day

Rex Banner

As I've forgotten my password as fluffy - I'm borrowing Matthew's to post this.

Oopsie Daisy has just met her demise.. I've posted this on yahoo - but just in case I'm putting it here aswell.

Some horrid creature called Big Coffin Hunter has decided to kill and rape Oopsie Daisy. And in the most vile way.

I'm currently in North Blythville, laying dead outside the Knowles Cinema [27, 66], the scene of the crime.

I've taken a screen shot but don't know how to add the link from my computer - sorry, Matthew isn't here so I'm being a bit dim without his help.

Big Coffin Hunter is an absolute arse that really needs to be dealt with, so if anyone finds him please help me out and avenge my death.

Many thanks


Link: cgi?id=214041" target="_blank">Big Coffin Hunter - PKER

Rex Banner


Joe is now up to scratch for combat and heading down to Millstown. Or up. Anyone got a map?

Matt Timson

Pfff... one of my characters has lost several skills.  I don't have any luck at all with this game!

Funt Solo

"Anyone got a map?"


Malton Meta-Tac Alpha 1.0

Both work faster in IE6 for some reason.  (The second one looks blank until you start adding things using the buttons on the right.  The first one tells you the square x,y when you hover over squares on the small close-up 'burb map.)

(To be merged next time I have a report due in and need something to divert all my energy into.)


In terms of Oopsie Daisy's plight, I've called out the FDA over on the Nec-Yahoo:

Priority #1: Revive Oopsie Daisy. (North Blythville, outside Knowles
Cinema [27, 66])

Priority #2: Track and assassinate Big Coffin Hunter
( Twice. Because
he's a skanky bastich. And before you whack 'im, let him know.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Matt...what ARE you doing...???

I'm getting a little bored with the relative safety of where two of my characters have been staying, so they're venturing out...


I had got bored and started taking risks, the PD I was in got raided and I was killed.  My own fault, I new it was likely to happen at some point, and could have avoided it easily.  I did start a new character, but my feeling is that, really, I might be done with the game.

There's a certain monotony to it after you have all the skills, of toing and froing, and the side that gives up first loses.  Having said that, I have enjoyed playing it these last few months, and I've played it more than most games.  I'd stll recommend it to people.

I have a few PS2 games I haven't played, including I'm ashamed to say, the Rogue one, which I was really looking forward to.  So I might spend my time playing that in future.


dang, one of my characters just collapse with exhaustion in Milltown. Don't eat him or anything

Bad Andy

Is the yahoo members website cocking up for anyone else? Whenever I log in it only gives me message from a week back.


Matt - I think the game takes away a skill every time you tell someone to fuck off...

I, Cosh

If anyone else is having problems getting logged on, I got this e-mail from the game this morning:

Due to unexpected circumstances, the game server is currently experiencing some DNS propagation issues which your character may be being affected by.
The server's new IP is - if you're getting a message that 'The Urban Dead server is currently down for maintenance', you can access the game directly at">New Location
We never really die.


I had no problems. Zombie JoeXPineapples has been delayed...he's so close in points that he's going to get lurching gait before trying to find a revive or the gang.