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Annotated Leatherjack

Started by Dudley, 06 June, 2006, 05:48:08 AM

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So far this week thats Spurrior & John S. Tune in tomorrow for a rant about why Grennies a fud.*

Not really, I'll be drunk in the back garden eftir the footie.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Amd on Saturday I'll be pushing Ron Smith to the top of a hill, letting go of the handles and as he careers down to the bottom shouting "That's for Chronos Carnival!"



Can't believe this thread.

Did I honestly read Scutfink lacing into John Smith?

Everyone's entitled an opinion and surely there's a way of doing this without infering someone's a cunt?


Matt Timson

Fair's fair- most people *can* spot a cunt.

I'm just not entirely convinced it's John Smith in this instance...



I'm just not entirely convinced it's John Smith in this instance...

I walked into that one, this is why I don't like to post kneejerk reactions...

but to be fair, I was just having a go at his writing, (Which I'm none too keen on...), he was the one who made it personal...

Aaaanyway, anyone got any further annotations on Leatherjack, or know of anything similar?



Yeah, I remember the famous NewsNight review where Tom Paulin reviewed that posthumous collection of Italo Calvino short stroies and fragments by calling him a cunt.


To be fair, that does sound like something Tom Paulin would say.


I presume that was after Calvino implied Paulin was just like him, eh DX?


House of Usher

Well yeah, but I used to quite like Tom Paulin on that show, and his studied ignorance of all popular culture after about 1962. Especially when they used to get them to review a television programme, and Tom had hardly any point of reference for what he was watching:

"There were little people running around and talking inside an electric box with a glass front, a bit like a fish tank..." - sort of thing.