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The Wicker Toilet - sorry, The Wicker Man

Started by ming, 06 June, 2006, 10:46:16 PM

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Just saw a trailer for this.  Un-be-feckin'-lieveable.  Dire is hardly the word to describe this, and hopefully all copies of it will shortly be buried under a motorway somewhere.

Link:" target="_blank">


What are you on about, it looks great! It's about time some of those old fusty movies got remade with proper movie stars and decent cgi effects...


oh and some decent MTV fast-cutting direction, let's not forget that.


Will it have a happy ending? Urgh.


Funt Solo

I'm stunned to be saying this, but that actually looks really good - perhaps a completely different version, not trying to compete (because what could) with the original?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

Funnily enough, I was just trying to decide whether to go and see the real version at the pictures this evening, or go out for a leisurely bike ride in the glorious sunshine.
We never really die.


As a massive fan of the original, i havent been looking forward to this in the slightest.

However, after seeing that trailer i might have to reserve judgement. Im not saying it looked brilliant, but it looked interesting and different enough to be worth a watch.


There is no way it can be as good as The Blair Witch Project 2, that shit was awesome!

I like the bit where the goth eats the owl.


Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


I haven't go the late Quicktime.

Never the less I thought this might be similarly interesting.

Link:" target="_blank">Iron Maiden


Cage should eat an owl in this... it would rock!


I can't see this trailer, O Ming. I could if I tried,  but don't really want to exert myself on it. On the one hand, I like Nicholas Cage. On the other hand, yet another movie that doesn't need to be remade being remade by Americans



Queen Firey-Bou

god i fecking hate re-makes, the worlds infactuated with cgi fancy effects crap, do they not realise in ten years people will be yawning & laughing at how cheesy & cliched it all is ?

the original posideon was great, lots of hot pants.
the original omen was scary enough, why does everything need dumbing down & re-spewing out are people so thick they can't see a story for what it is without the latest darling of hello magazine starring in it ?


Funilly enough I had the exact same conversation this morning going home from work and pretty much said exactlyu the same.

Poseidon... Wicker Man... The Omen....even kong. What's the point in remaking them. It's just lazy movie moguls goiong for an easy buck. It's worked once, it'll work again is the attitude. Just lob in plenty of cgi explosions and we don't even need to bother with a sript... no one will notice!

Maybe it's just us old crusties that don't get it, eh Bou, but gimme crap effects, black 7 white even, as long as it's got the heart and soul that te original versions of these films had but the modern counterparts tend to lack.
