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Pirates 2: The Spoiler Thread!

Started by Woolly, 07 July, 2006, 10:35:35 PM

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Well ive just been to see it, and tbh i don't think its as good as the original.

Its nothing to do with the cg, (Davy Jones and his crew are quite simply the most impressive effects ive seen to date), more to do with an overly complicated story, a running time that feels half an hour too long, and direction that lacks the sheer fun & heart of the original.

Saying that, its still an enjoyable romp and well worth the cost of a cinema ticket.
Just don't expect to leave the cinema shouting 'YEAAARR!' this time!

El Spurioso

Loved it.

I suspect that any diminshment on the "yeaaaah!" factor is entirely down to the (inevitable, IMO, and completely vital) introduction of far darker character interactions.  All the betrayals, backstabbings and whtnot making it far harder to sit back and just punch the air at the funkiness of it all, but - again, IMO - make it a far more emotionally rewarding film.  The first was a Visually Brilliant Light Entertainment Romp.  This is a Visually Brilliant Slightly Unsettling Romp.

I think.


"Davy Jones and his crew are quite simply the most impressive effects ive seen to date"

Amen to that. I was agape at some of the effects, which a film hasn't made me do for ages.

And what an ending.

Apparently, like the first one, it's worth staying through the long credits. Didn't myself - really needed a wee.
"Trust we"

Mr C

Yaaar! Absolutely brilliant bit of swashbuckling entertainment. Lots of spot on humour for kids and grownups alike,some fantastic SFX especially on Davy Jones' mob and some new quotes to be used constantly.

Well, just my favorite new quote: "Undead Monkey!"

The Monarch

The ending was brilliant roll on number 3


Good fun, but I'd agree with everything Woolly said. It does feel like filler in places and it's butt-numbingly long. I liked all the little homages sneaked in here and there, the Goonies, classic Flynn etc. And the obeah lady was great. Just imagine how good it'd be if it wasn't made by Disney!

'walla walla sminky pinky ding dong wotnot. Savvy?'

Jared Katooie

I loved it. I was with someone who felt a bit let down and when he made his case I felt everything he said made perfect sense but I still liked the film. Davy Jones was a great villain with even a little depth to his character. The jokes were funny, the action was exciting and there were PIRATES! IN THE FILM!


Don't get me wrong, i still enjoyed the film alot, definately one of the best of the year for me.
There just wasnt enough Jack Sparrow! And it doesnt look like we'll see much of him in the next one either...

...oh bugger!

Keef Monkey

Just got back from this and loved it! It was a lot darker than the first but that's the Empire Strikes Back tactic and I think it worked well. My only slight niggle was that it didn't have the element of surprise the first one did, as I was dragged to see that one expecting to hate it. I geeked it up good and proper and wrote a review on my Flixster page...

Link:" target="_blank">When myspace isn't enough, join flixster

Jared Katooie

"And it doesnt look like we'll see much of him in the next one either..."








Apparently Chow Yun Fat is the new pirate who takes his place.

Darren Stephens

I waited past the credits. Loved the film alot. Bets film ive seen this year also. ;-P


5/10. Lacked the fun, the personality, the charm and the deft characterisation of the first film. The British were moved from being varied and honourable to Hollywood's typical "Evil Brits". Sparrow was hardly in the film, replaced by Mr. Wooden himself, Orlando Bloom. And Jack was fairly honourable in the original film and in control, yet here he was reduced to a craven coward.

The ending stank, and the whole film felt like a stretched first and second act, to set up the third film (which itself doesn't bode well, seeing as they shot most of it without a completed script).

It looked pretty, but I actually found it quite dull. The fight scenes were too long. The humour was lacking. In fact, it ended up reminding me of Kill Bill?another film where I wasn't excited about seeing the sequel.


Have to agree with IndigoPrime, 3/4 hour tooo long, just not as good as the last one although I did quiet enjoy the Voodoo lady it did give the whole film away the first time we saw her. Very predictable etc etc and seemed to be very much the filler to the next one, reminded me a bit about the Matrix series, only ever can remember the first and last ones!

Continuity was a bit wrong in a couple of places and the music was out (?) a couple of times as well.

[size=40]Train Hard - Run Fast - Hit to Kill[/size]


Loved it. The scenes with the Kraken made me feel like a 5 year old watching a Sinbad film.
Didn't mind the length because we had an intermission (remember those?) and a lady came out with ice creams!

Dark Jimbo

we had an intermission (remember those?) and a lady came out with ice creams!

Where were you watching this, the 1950's? Tell me there was someone at a piano beneath the screen, playing accompanying music for all the dramatic bits!