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The Law at War!

Started by Floyd-the-k, 11 July, 2006, 08:39:37 AM

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Just got this EE today.  Nice grim cover. Contents are:

The Corps, by Garth Ennis, Paul Marshall and Colin Macneil, from progs 918-913

Maelstrom, by Robbie Morrison and Colin Macneil, from Megazine 2.73 to 2.80


Wynter, by Morrison and Kev Walker, from Megazine 2.70

Good, if rather grim cover. I always liked the Corps.  The other stuff looks like fun


oooh Winter, Quite liked that in the Meg loverly art work and quite grim.  Always wanted to see more of the character but I thing they just did the one story.

CU Radbacker

Dog Deever

Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.

Bad Andy

WTF is happening in Maelstrom?

I can't make head nor tail of it. It's virtually impenetrable. It's certainly well named.

Grant Goggans

I reread it a couple of months ago and, like every time I've approached it, was similarly baffled.  I thought, based on episode two, that the story was going to be about the guy with cyborg eyes, but it turned out to be about a pterodactyl with a face in his chest.

In retrospect, it was probably not the best idea to run that and Pandora at the same time.  It made the black and white pages in the Meg very skippable.



Great EE. The only story I've read before was Wynter.

The Corps: Fantastic, but should have been a few episodes longer. I'd love to see an ongoing series about these military space Judge special squads.

Maelstrom: Good, but is a bit confusing in places and does require a few read-throughs and some back-tracking to figure out what is going on at times. Definitely worth making the effort though IMO. Great art as well. Again, as with The Corps, I wouldn't mind seeing a follow up story.

Wynter: Great art and story, although there's probably not too much that can be done with the story or setting, which maybe why he was never bought back?

Conclusion: Gimme more Space Judge stories!!!



"Wynter: Great art and story, although there's probably not too much that can be done with the story or setting, which maybe why he was never bought back?"

I'm sure David Bish can correct me if my (frequently faulty) memory has mangled the facts, but I believe that Wynter was originally a slightly sub-par script that David was using as a try-out for aspiring artists, but Mr Walker needed a job at the time and was kindly given the script by Mr Bishop. I think Kev gave it a quick tweak, and illustrated it with the results you now see reprinted.



PS - Oi. Tharg. Where's my Inspectre EE, then?
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Dark Jimbo

I assumed this was a 'filler' EE, including a bunch of largely forgotten, mediocre strips that bear some tenous relation to each other, thereby earning a release - but it seems to be garnering fairly positive reviwes from you guys.

So - worth getting?


Jimbo- Yup.

The Corps is good fun for the most part, though it does go off the boil a bit towards the end.

Maelstrom is mental. I'm going to have to give that one another read when I get a free hour.

Winter is a lovely little action sequence by Kev Walker.

On the whole this is a smart little package and I'd only read the corps before, so Bonus!


judge dreddd

read the first strip, cool so far


there's no mention in the EE of Ennis passing off script duty for the last part. We deserve the Truth, old tharg...
Dawn of the first day. 72 hours remain.


Shame we didn't get ghostwriter Si Spencer's proposed lez-botic epilogue...

Garth Ennis 'fessed up to this in 2002:

'I?m a bit ashamed to admit this but I actually sub-contracted my friend Si Spencer to write the last episode because I just ran out of time and interest. It was a six page story but Si turned in a seven page script where I think the last episode ends with the two female characters being the only survivors drifting out into space in a lifepod.

'Si?s seventh page basically had them having a dodgy Penthouse-style lesbian encounter which really when I was reading over the script before I retyped it and sent it on to 2000. It was one of the funniest fucking things I?d ever seen and if only I could have included it. It was would have been a very, very different story ? classic, actually, is what it would have been!

'That was kind of naughty of me. That?s the first and only time I?ve done something like that.'

The scamps!




Kev Walker's is one of my favourite artists ever now.


Overall I'd say not, DJ.  The Corps is fun but the other two are just messes. Great art, but that doesn't make up for the confusing stories, for mine.