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The Law at War!

Started by Floyd-the-k, 11 July, 2006, 08:39:37 AM

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Bad Andy

Jimbo - I would advise against it. I think this EE is a bit bollocks. The Corps is awful. Awful.

Chris S-T

The Corps is great, especially if your a Warhammer 40,000 nerd as the Judges in it look like Space Marines and after part 1 the hapless Kleggs getting shredded into swiss cheese in every panel they appear in look a bit like Orks.  The plot about the Justice system trying to break up a pact between the Kleggs and the sinos is pretty interesting, although there doesn't seem to be any reprecusions for the Meg that the whole plan goes wrong and the whole story of Tarantino going mad was fun though it looks a bit cheesy nowadays.

Maelstrom was great too with some interesting characters and a much brainier plot than the Corps, which was mostly taken up by the one big Schwarzeneggeresque battle.  It was cool to see some unused character and spaceship designs though if they had a spare page to fill it might have been better used on an 'extended edition' of the last episode of Corps!

Wynter was a good short though it kind of wrecked the theme.  He's in antarctica not space!  Hasn't Dredd himself been in space often enough that they could find a short with him in it to round out the whole thing?

Of the stories the corps was the only one I'd read before so it was definitely worth three quid, but then I always buy the EE anyway.  


A little late in reading this in the Extreme format, but just had time earlier and my thoughts are...what a load of convoluted rubbish that has not got better with age.  Then I left it around and Office-Monkey-Mike picked it up and (without prompting) came up with the verdict that it is, 'Arse gravy of the lowest order.'

Shame as I was really looking forward to reading this...

Dark Jimbo

Any word on what the next one is? I've been expecting Firekind for about six months now.


Firekind was aages ago,


Mrs matthewvic

Um, we've already had Firekind.

Issue 8.


Oopsy beat me to it!

Was back in April.">

Mrs matthewvic

Would you be thinking of Revere? Wasn't that mentioned a while back?

Dark Jimbo


Sorry, don't know why I said Firekind. Probably because I did my first honest day's work in about three years today - it doesn't agree with me. I did of course mean to say Revere, as Daisy suggested.