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Started by +rufus+, 14 July, 2006, 10:14:54 PM

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Damn shame we won't be seeing his work on "Origins".
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


>Damn shame we won't be seeing his work on "Origins".

I second that, would have been great to go out on.


Its a shame, Let's hope that TPO in the Meg acknowledges his input to ever prog

Huff the humbled
DDT did a job on me

Mr C

This is very, very sad news indeed. Best wishes to his family and friends.
He sounds like hew was a top bloke. His work shall be sorely missed by this particular Squax, that's for sure.


"Damn shame we won't be seeing his work on "Origins"."

 Wellll.... Tom had made his lettering into a font... i had been trying to convince him to license it.
Maybe Andy, his son will!


The Assembly House Pub in Kentish Town (opposite the Bull and Gate and the Forum Venue), is where Tom did much of his work, both lettering and drinking pints of stout

His office was the pub!!

That's just brilliant.


Pub fer the office, that's the ticket..
So was Steve's... still is I believe... in Luton.


There are just a few things in life that I have held truly and dearful. The Beatles, Queen and 2000ad. I am gutted that this man has passed on. I have enjoyed his work ever since I was an eleven year old boy and I am truly sorry I have never had the chance to meet him.



"Wellll.... Tom had made his lettering into a font... i had been trying to convince him to license it"

Well, depending on what would be involved, I know it's something I would consider purchasing if it was made available.  I've often wanted what I could only describe as a 'tom frame' comic font, tall and thin.

I imagine most professionals use their own design?  Though blampot do seem to sell fonts to professionals and companies.

Regardless of whether the font is seen again, his work does of course live on.

Dan Kelly

Damn Damn shame.

The Assembly house is still there, although I think that the pool table might not be there anymore...

Will I. Cooling

This is terrible news. Tom Frame was a true great of comics, and his lettering showed an attention to detail and craftsmanship that few if any can match. A sad day for Dredd and 2000AD fans.

My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.


A man I have never met but who is probably more responsible for my ability to read then any one else on the planet. I also (in a childs way) confused about whay Tharg had a Droid that looked like him. (i was about 8 years old mind)
Good bye Tom and thank you.

Roger Godpleton

Can't really add to any of the tributes.

He will be missed.
He's only trying to be what following how his dreams make you wanna be, man!

Devons Daddy

one of our finest droids by all accounts,

he was at a dreddcon in recent years i heard.many have mentioned speaking to this undersung hero at the event.

i hope some form of memorial is made in 2000ad.he deserves no less.
a sad passing. though i never met the man, he has in a small way, been part of our lives  for so many years.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Aaron Smurf Murphy

Just come back from Germany only to find this.

S'damn shame. He was such a requirement for 2000AD reading. Tharg, Dredd and Tom Frame - The three ingredients you see week in, week out.


Finn Sinn