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Prog 1500

Started by COMMANDO FORCES, 06 August, 2006, 12:15:51 PM

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Quite liked the 'epic' scale of the cover but the execution was a bit lacking - the secondary characters are poorly rendered and the logo is too small. Nice idea though.

Liked the Dredd. After a few throwaway adventures it was good to get one that strikes to the heart of the character. Glad Dredd had a 'Why now' thought as it would be a bit convienient otherwise. The art was great too and if the intention was to whet the appetite for origins - job done!

Malone started OK. Very familiar 'new man in town with a secret' set up but enough to pique the interest.

Maybe a few too many 'coming soon' and in-house ads. I counted six pages worth - that's a thrill and a letters page!

Liked Stone Island. Nice moody art and good sparing dialogue. Very 'Shawshank' from the off but the last panel was an indication of things not being what they seem - are they ever!

Have to side with Cosh on the Dante front - he's been pissing about on that boat with his Ma for ages! As for the attack finale that's about twenty of them in the last nineteen outings! Dante's Infernally bad!

Overall an enjoyable prog if not a totally stand out one which befits a big number. Nice to have a crisper cover - a one off or a new stock for a new era?

Bad Andy

Prog 1500 and original Yeowell artwork in one delivery. I'm going to have to go into rehab.

Steve Green

I have to say that Johnny and Wulf are looking pretty close on that cover...

- Steve


Cover...scanner busted so it's a digital photo with the top lobbed off but whaddya want?, not like I'm getting paid for it etc.etc.">


Awesome cover in the flesh - doesn't reproduce too well here.  Johnny and Vulf are letting it all hang out now I see.  Separate thread on this in a sec.

Dredd - no clues as to what's going on just yet but great dialogue keeps me hooked regardless.

Malone.  Hmmm.  Wait n see.  Not awful, but not a sci-fi setup that 2KAD have done well in the past.  Good snappy dialogue though.

Stone Island is the bollocks.  If it lives up to the opening episode then it'll be one of the great one-offs.

Dante.  Please extricate him from this arc and put the character back into the mileu he does well.

General reflection - isn't it great that the comic still has the balls to use as its big flagship lineup two new series, including one by a brand-new script droid?  Cyber-Matt deserves an extra oil break.


doesn't reproduce too well here

that's putting it mildly. It looks awful


That looks like an awesome cover. What the hell are you whinging gits on about?


What the hell are you whinging gits on about?

Button71's scanner.

W. R. Logan



>So is it being hinted at that Joe, and not Rico (the original), was the odd clone out then? That the Fargo line is inherently bad, with the odd 'good apple' resulting from the mix every now and then- i.e. Joe and the latest Rico?

If you Read Chief Judge Silver's Bloodline report (File 12/4/J930) in the Judge
Dredd Mega-Special No.3 (1990) Silver says:

"...It was not long before we realised that the bloodline of Fargo was
excellent, but potentially flawed."">

Matt Timson

Ah... old news then.


D'oh! Brainstorm! Don't know what I was thinking!


No, I think youi're right 54.  There has for a long time been an assumption that the Dredd bloodline was great, but flawed.  But I think the idea that it's generally bad it the odd good apple is a new way of looking at it.  Instead of assuming it occasionally leads to weirdness.

Anyway... it's a very fine hair to split.


"What the hell are you whinging gits on about?"

Button71's scanner.

I await your superior scan with barely disguised excitement.


Only one thing I need to know about this prog and MALONE......

Is it in the future!!!???

W. R. Logan

>I looked at the Origins teaser, but I wonder if it might give too much away, and maybe it would be better to just read it with as little prior knowledge as possible.

Its a clever trailer, loads of pics and action and there's not a thing in it that has any real bearing on the story.