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Started by Concrete Block 15, 03 September, 2006, 11:22:08 PM

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TBH I think the chances of the film ever happening are remarkably low, and the chances of it not being  a steaming pile of poop are even lower, so it's not really anything I'm going to loose any sleep over.


Hi Concrete - welcome to the board. I think the reason why everyone has launched into an attack on you is you're extremely enthusiastic ( a bit like a Zane Lowe or Westwood of comics) and this has been taken for Trollism. Plus we're a tight bunch here (no pun intended *banana boy* - I had to laugh at this as Floyds been around since 'tinternet was a pixel)

We're all enthusiastic but it is like you walked into a bar full of comic fans, all enjoying a pint and a chin wag, and shouted out.

Still can't knock enthusiasm and if you ask anyone on here we all hate *that* movie and the short ass in the platform shoes.

Take it easy :-)

Concrete Block 15

Fair comments.
I think this time 'round, there's probably MORE chance of WATCHMEN getting the big screen treatment than with any of the many, MANY previous attempts to do (Warners is on a bit of a comics roll after Supes Returns and V for Vendetta, whatever you may personally think of those! Plus, next year's 300 is gettin' some extremely positive advance buzz - the Warners Suits were impressed enough by what they saw of that to give Snyder the WATCHMEN gig, after all,)

Pile of poop? Hmmm. Let's wait 'n' see!

All this can't hurt, though!
Nighty night! ZZZZZzzzzzzzz...


IIRC Supermans Returns was massibely over budget and underperformed at the box office. I'm not entirely sure V performed that well either. We've had a good-ish run of superhero type films lately, but Hollywood types are notoriously skitchish and Superman Returns may actually make them wary of them in future.

(Plus it wasn't actually a very good film)

Eric Plumrose

Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.

Concrete Block 15

Thanks for the official welcome, Larf (I was beginning to wonder...)

Jeez, this cyber-bar of yours must be the virtual equivalent of the friggin' Slaughtered Lamb outta An American Werewolf In London! (NOT TO SELF: now that you're in the door, do NOT even the FUCK ask what that star on the wall is for!)

Gotta say I agree on the Supes Returns front (quality wise, that is.). While it probably WASN'T the box office buster that The Suits were hoping for, there's plenty o' buzz around at present as regards the sequel, so it must have done something right. Compared to what must have been it's comparatively economical production budget, I'm guessin' that V probably returned on it's investment, too.

Sly for 'Schach! Ha! He's about the right height admittedly, Walter K. being only 5'06 'n all!

He's a wooden cunt, though (ouch!)...

Concrete Block 15


Retro Gold!

Well played, that Dumb Lad, you old Servitor of Nox, you!

Bart Oliver

You're all wrong.

Tim Roth is Rorschach.

Obviously you're not a golfer.

Concrete Block 15

I'm all ears (or should that be eyes, seeing as I'm readin' this?)

Roth, eh? Let's hear (see?) the pitch, then...


Concrete Block 15

Stoufer The Cat for Dr Manhattan! He's the right colour!


Willem DeFoe (about ten years ago).

Tim Roth's a good choice although we'd probably end up with Moss Def!!


At least we missed the horror of Robin Williams...

Trivia: During early development in the late 1980s, mainly focused around the screenplay by Samm Hamm, early casting rumors included Robin Williams as Rorschach and Sigourney Weaver as Silk Spectre. Eventually, the project was shelved, due in large part to major script departures from the source material, particularly in the third act. Hamm's ending involved a time-travel plot concerning the character of Dr. Manhattan - an element probably invented to make up for the omission of the extremely violent ending of the graphic novel.

Link:" target="_blank">


Concrete Block 15


That's up there with:


You KNEW I'd say that!
