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Origins: Only three episodes in...

Started by Wils, 29 September, 2006, 10:51:20 PM

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Grant Goggans

Actually, now that I think about it, the other February book could be Thrill-Power Overload...

The Amstor Computer

Well, itâ??s on for a 30th anniversary release, isnâ??t it? ISTR David Bishop mentioning that that was when it was to be published.

Dark Jimbo

Surely most of those covers are just placeholders, though? I'd be very surprised if that was the final Tsar Wars cover.

Carlsborg Expert

Have I missed the bit where they explain why it's necessary to trawl all that money over land rather than through the air?


I, Cosh

According to that site, Books of Invasions 2 isn't out until March, but Jon's just said on the other thread it's already been reprinted.
We never really die.

Carlsborg Expert

Oh ayuh, ta.

They are probably hoping for the biggest advantage over the judge.

I thought the offing of the black guy first was a bit, well, not really groundbreaking was it?

Dark Jimbo

Still no Robo-Hunter Book 4, then? :(

The Amstor Computer

Jimbo --

That's what I thought when I saw the cover for Tsar Wars 1 for the first time, but it appears that Fraze's version of Dante is the final cover. I wouldn't be at all surprised if SB Davis' Dante did turn out to be the final cover for Tsar Wars 2.

Disappointing, especially as it comes at a time when Si Fraser is returning to the strip. Even if he wasn't available, would it not have been possible to get John Burns to step in?


Or, for that matter Steve Yeowell who at least contributed to Tsar Wars. That said as much as I love his work he's not the best at covers.

Dark Jimbo

At least Frazer's pic was relevant, being an adapted cover that appeared during Tsar Wars' run in the comic. The Simon Davis cover there is from 'The Romanov Job', depicting Dante's fight with The Spider (those are some of his metal talons edging into the pic), which wouldn't appear to be in this collection, taking into account page length and the fact that Simon Fraser isn't credited as being involved.

I would still be very surprised if this was the one used. Plus it's just not even that good a cover. Alright for a prog, but really underwhelming for a TPB.


Grant Goggans

I was thinking that myself...  That would be a great cover for Tsar Wars 2 !!

Dark Jimbo

Bleurgh. :( Personally, (if you'll excuse the horribly clumsy photoshopping) I'd love to see something like this.">

Grant Goggans

Absolutely fine job of photoshopping, Dark Jimbo!  That would be nice, too.