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Richard Donner's Director's Cut of Superman II

Started by Bart Oliver, 23 October, 2006, 09:37:35 PM

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Bart Oliver

Anyone else interested in seeing this on it's release?

Link:" target="_blank">The gravy..">
Obviously you're not a golfer.

Concrete Block 15


I can't wait, Superman remains my favourite superhero movie and I don't think it has been bettered.  Superman 2 always felt slightly dissapointing after the epic feel of Superman 1.

Can't wai to see it, is it getting a cineman release or is it straught to dvd.  Started to read wikipedia, but it's the old hollywood story that's so predictable and depressing.

Anyway, here's hoping it's fantastic!


"the film will be released on DVD, HD-DVD, and Blu-ray Disc on November 28, 2006."


Link:" target="_blank">Looks good and just in time for christmas!


Enjoyed it, but not sure it better than the original. No Susanah York with plenty more Marlon. At least half of it's new with plenty of stuff missing. Not to spoil it but lots of the Niagra Falls stuff is missing with more dull chat in it's place.

The White House assault is a lot better although they cut the defacing of Mount Rushmore yet kept the '1000's of man hours to create' line over a shot of a needle being shoved over.

Interesting but I think I prefer the original.


Hmmm... okay, not the verdict I was hoping for!


Fuckin' great stuff! A few of the 'new' scenes have a bit of an unfinished look, but thats only to be expected from an unfinished film i guess!

Overall the film is far more coherent than the original version (with the explanation of how Superman gets his powers back being a personal favorite bit!) and feels *much* more like a continuation of Superman 1 than the original did.

Well worth buying both the new Superman releases too. Superman 1 has a longer cut of the film as well as the George Reeves 'Superman and the MoleMen' and a bunch of 1940s Superman cartoons.


Heh, that sounds better!

"Superman 1 has a longer cut of the film"

My DVD has just fucked up, sp I may get this, cheers.


Am I the only person in the world who thought Superman 1 was a bit naff?

Much preferred this film, will hopefully get round to seeing this new version at some point.


"Much preferred this film"

May I refer the honourable gentleman back to my comments on one of the (many) 'Favourite Film' threads, where I cite Superman II as the daddy of all superhero movies?

Unfortunately, I am now far too drunk to operate the 'Search' feature on this site, but I suspect that it's on the 'Superhero Adaptation' thread that I started ...

Anyway ... you're right. And I fuckin' love you. You're my best mate, you are. [Knuckle rub to the top of the head in that way that indicates heterosexual fondness for another man that is IN NO WAY GAY AT ALL!]



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Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


+++where I cite Superman II as the daddy of all superhero movies?

...doesn't bode well for the children.


It's true that it's a more coherent film but that doesn't make it better.


For example the baddies are released from the Phantom zone by the nuke from Superman 1, there is no Paris scene - I liked the Paris bit!

I also prefered the original's version of the re-powering. It made more sense that the misplaced green crystal saved the day rather than one showing up in the wreckage of the console. Also made no sense that Marlon, now long dead, could anticiapte every question and event perfectly.

Emporer's new clothes for me!


While I'm at it that new (old) ending was rubbish. Basically the world was reset again - will we ever be allowed to get on with things?! It also made Supes out to be a bully as he beat up the trucker after resetting the world meaning he had nothing to get revenge for. OK it was better than him delivering the US flag and doffing his cap to the Prez but it didn't make a lick of sense.

I was also surprised to see the Twin Towers and Statue of Liberty in Metropolis - was it deliberately relocated to New York or are they meant to be one and the same in this reality?


Time turning backwards in the first film was a cop out too, it ruins a really powerful moment, real deus ex machina shit.


Well, that was one of my Christmas Day presents and I really enjoyed it.  It's a much snappier, funny film than before, which despite its good moments was always, I'm afraid, a bit pedestrian.

The turn back time ending was a bit unfortunate really.  Especially as it wasn't shown what he had actually changed (presumably deflected the couse of the missile).  If they had cut this from the first movie as well, and made more sense of it then I might have let it pass.

My brother actually suggested a much better ending where the drained power of the three Kryptons reinvigorates the fortress and powers up Durell.

As it was, it was fine to end the movie with Superman and Lois, as Lois says she'll keep his secret. And I think I'll switch off about that point in future.

Anyway, I'm happy with that.  You can only do so much 20-30 years after the fact and it is a much more enjoyable film.

Superman 1 was always my favourite supehero film, and now I'd say I & II take up that slot.  I'm not bothered about watching II, IV (again) or Returns (ever).