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The Latest Poll

Started by wrighty47, 20 June, 2002, 10:52:05 PM

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I just seen the latest poll on the homepage. Should Rebellion mark all their envelopes with "Do Not Bend"? Hee Hee, Ha Ha, That's a good 'un that Heh Heh Heh. Y'see the thing is, I actually work for Consig (oops, nearly), erm Royal mail. I actually am one of the gits that sorts these things. Believe me, nothing short of armour plating would prevent yer Progs from getting damaged. Why'd ya think I don't subscribe. Between us Posties reading yer Progs, playing footie with yer packages, and generally slinging 'em acroos the room, I'm surprised they get though at all. Mind the standing order at my lcs ain't exactly pool proof either. Who thinks I'm kidding btw???



I work for a major courier company, so i for one know you aren't kidding.
The only chance subscribers have is if they are backed with cardboard, and that is only going to increase the cost of subscribing.
Still, I suppose a printed 'Please Do NOT Bend' would be a step in the right direction.



>Still, I suppose a printed 'Please Do NOT Bend' would be a step in the right direction.

But, to your average postie. isn't that just like waving a red rag at a bull?


I agree, I have spent some time walking the beat - postal beat that is - bloody hard work, all those letters, and the dogs!!!!

Postmen DO NOT CARE WHAT IS IN THE PACKAGES, and marking anything as FRAGILE is just asking for trouble. Yoy may as well get a sticker saying JUMP ON THIS, VERY HARD!!!!!!.

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