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December Art Competition - Have A Merry 2K Christmas!

Started by The Amstor Computer, 15 November, 2006, 10:29:23 PM

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Doggy Carrots

i agree (do you think he knows we're sucking up to him so we might win?) ha just joking.

Dog Deever

Buttonman's gronk reeks of awesomeness!
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Amstor - thanks for my prize from the last competition. Much appreciated.

The Amstor Computer

No worries, Simon - glad it arrived safely & I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with this month.


Hmmm. At this point it is going to be largely based on scanitly clad women.
I just don't have the setting to give me the excuse to draw the scantily clad women. I'm working on it! :)


Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


It's easy for a non contender to say but there is no way anyone would expect you to spunk £100+ on prizes Amstor, especially when bragging rights are so much more valuable.

Amen. Although this is from someone who won't ever win a prize unless I can use mind control tricks to convince people that the next competition should be "Invasion of the Penis Creature Doppelgangers" and I'm not sure Santa is going to bring me the new Derren Brown book (which is called "Bend the weak to your will bwahahahah: And not in the rude way you are thinking of you 'orrible lot") as I'm in a Catch 22 situation as the only way I'll convince Santa I've been a good boy this year is if I get the book. I think Derren knows this and is laughing somewhere in his Castle of Evil.


1. We must all buy Mr Corporation a pint.

2. Perhaps we can all do something in the future. Nothing spectacular but if someone had a badge making machine at home we could design a winners badge (wear it at conventions with pride, greet fellow winners with the secret handshake/grip of the inner thigh and get discounts at Bargain Booze). And/or how about mocking up a certificate then perhaps someone could print them off and laminate them and send them to the winner and runners up? While prizes are great the competitions skillfully combine the Olympic spirit (in that it is the taking part not the winning) with the added kudos of there being a winner with attendant bragging rights, which includes modestly accepting the win whilst your heart is bursting with pride and you are doing a secret victory dance around the room which may involve pelvic thrusts and a simple song along the line of "winner, winner, winner" (and chicks, lots of them. Unless you aren't into chicks when a well-muscled boy toy can be sent around). We have enough talented folk and people adept and misappropriating office equipment to pull it off.
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+

Max Kon

why are you only good at drawing penises?


No everyone I draw looks like a penis (there is a subtle distinction although Freud would have a field day either way) - and a badly drawn penis at that (Badly Drawn Penis - now there is a name for a band).
if I went 'round saying I was an Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!

Fractal Friction | Tumblr | Google+


Busy at work so I have to go with my first idea.

Hopefully will get to do something more inspired but for the moment here's Santa Laws.

Another judge firing his gun. I'm a one trick pony.">
"Trust we"


A warning to those drawing Judge Santas:  beware the penguin-shoulderpad motif, as seen in the 1993(?) Crimbo Prog.  It. Makes. No. Sense.  And when you're dealing with an armed justice-dispensing Christian saint re-imagined by the Coca Cola corporation, that's saying something...


Penguin? I went for a Robin on mine. As you can see?

The other shoulder pad is really clever though it's an erm....
"Trust we"


Love the Christmas Tree gun-flash.

*sigh* This comp's going to be just as hard to judge, isn't it.
