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DC Invasion related question

Started by WoD, 05 December, 2006, 02:06:57 PM

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I read this many moons ago and have a query regarding one of the invading Alien races...there were a group of people from a planet that had the same (or very similar) powers to Superman when on Earth, whatever happened to these lot?  Do they turn up every now and again to cause trouble or have they just been forgotten about entirely?


You mean the Daxamites.

Mon-el of the Legion is one of these.

No idea anymore, not read any regular DC since Dabnett took over on the LSH.


Matt Timson

Daxamites are a bit crap really- mainly as they're vulnerable to lead in the same way that Superman is vulnerable to Kryptonite.  I seem to recall that Daxamites were supposed to be extremely xenophobic and don't, as a rule, tend to leave Daxam- which is why we don't see them very often.  That and the fact that there's a lot of lead on the Earth.

Of course, there's been about a gazillion changes to the DC Universe since I last read any of it- so who knows?


I don't recall them turning up in any of the space set sections of Infinite Crisis or the Thanagar Rann war stories. No help, I know.

The Monarch

the daxamites were created to replace superboy and supergirl in the legion of superheroes post crisis

However they haven't been seen in quite a while so your guess is as good as mine whether they still exist post one year later

Matt Timson


The Monarch

Hmm i was wrong the daxamites did exist pre crisis as did mon-el however post cris he replaced superboy in the legion

Matt Timson
