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The Twelve Thrills of Chistmas

Started by ming, 18 December, 2006, 03:34:21 PM

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I enjoyed this thread so much last year, I'm going to post it again.  Feel free to start a new version.

Altogether now: ??On the 12th day of Thrill-mas Mighty Tharg gave to me..
12 Juddas Juddering!
11 Kleggs a-chomping!
10 JIMPs (mis)judging!
9 Volgs a-funking!
8 Robots Malfunctioning!
7 Gunsharks shooting!
6 simps shalumphaling !
5 Bold thrills!!!!!!
4 Judges, Dark
3 French Finns
2 Total Wars
...And a cartridge in a perp's knee!


Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Concrete Block 15


On the twelth day of Thrill-mas The Mighty One gave to me...

12 Strontys dogging...

Anyone for 11?

Funt Solo

11 banzais' stomping

(Is that the right place to put the apostrophe?)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Adrian Bamforth

In a similar vein, I always wanted to see a 2000AD strip where a big violent fragfight kicks off, with the footer:

Next week: Super-calibre-frag-ballistic-explode-all-atrocious!

(Any writers out there please make it happen.)