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Started by ARRISARRIS, 24 December, 2006, 05:36:15 PM

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Oh yes, and the fuckin awful Rose has gone... BUT WE STILL GET THE DOCTOR BANGIN ON ABOUT BLOODY ROSE.

Give it a rest mate.

My choice for a new companion, Sadie Frost. She's my new hot tottie for the new year and I think she could teach the Doctor a lesson or two about things. And she's some hot stuff!!


Pff, you'd be all over it if it was Roy Catsle using planks to deflect dalekium bombs away from the center of the earth...


+++My choice for a new companion, Sadie Frost. She's my new hot tottie for the new year

She's a bit past the sell by date now, the doctor only likes gymslip companions.


£50 to the man who brings me the head of Russell T Davies, detached, on a silver plater with a hand written apology drawn in his own blood.

House of Usher

No time to read the thread, but I enjoyed the show. It was probably rubbish, but I don't much care. Not after two two series of the same.

Eric Plumrose

>> Pff, you'd be all over it if it was Roy Catsle using planks to deflect dalekium bombs away from the center of the earth . . .

Tsk. Roy Castle was presumably too busy recovering from being trampled on by an oncoming Roman legion so didn't actually appear in the second Subotsky Who film.

Anyway, unlike last year, this year's Crassmas Spesh at least had a smidgen of cranberry sauce to distract me from just how undercooked it was.

One of the problems with new Who is that never has the Doctor or, for that matter, the invasions and incursions of Earth he battles against been so conspicous. And given seasons twenty-two and twenty-three, that's some fucking doing.

Tate was actually quite good when she wasn't required to shout and repeat herself. I said repeat herself. I SAID REPEAT HERSELF then slap the Doctor. Unfortunately, that meant her performance was limited briefly to only two decent scenes, notably her awestruck reaction to something (Earth's formation? Can't remember) and her reasons for NOT wanting to travel with the Doctor (if memory serves).

Tennant almost showed that he could actually make a quite decent Doctor, then completely ruined it by not playing against RTD's macho-posturing dialogue. No Bill Bixby he when it comes to understated "Don't mess with me"-type warnings.

And just what the fuck is RTD's problem with interracial couples?

Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.


sorry but quite enjoyed it. I share the annoyance that the series would take very little editing to actually  make sense a lot more often, but like a badly trained puppy I still like it despite the shitiness.
 I don't hate RTD the way others seem do but I do find a lot of his work annoyingly flawed,the most obvious example being the way  all straight males are either weak, evil or abusive fathers. Prefferably all three. It's all a bit 80s channel 4.
 Any chance Stephen Moffat could stage a coup?

Leigh S

To be honest, while Moffatts was the highlight of the first series, I shudder to think what he'd do to the show if he was in full control.  Sure, he'd probably fix the crap plots to some degree, but he seems obsessively erm obsessed with proving the Doctor isn't a geek and liking Doctor Who is like liking Football - "I'm the Doctor and I've just snogged Madame Du Pompadour"... What kind of twat talks about himself in the third person?  Certainly the worst Tennant performance of last years bad lot, and while the plot was OK in a future shock kinda way, wasnt it just a recycling of the Empty Child? Robots go haywire and in trying to repair damage get the wrong end of the stick.

The Adventurer

Seriously, some of you guys must be the most jaded people I know. I for one LOVED this episode, it had adventure and action and over the top villains and crazy pseudo science and great character banter. Basically everything I could want from Doctor freaking WHO.



Did no one else wonder about the Doctor threatening to flood London, what with those holes he blasted in the Thames barrier?
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


...just think, all that water pooring down to the centre of the earth would make the Thames barrier obsolete, not to mention global rising tides...

...tongue very firmly in cheek here...

Richmond Clements

I'm with Adventurer here.
There seems to be something that some folk are forgetting.

Link:" target="_blank">Remember this..?


Gone, but not forgotten.

It's the unsatisfying equivalent of junk food.  Low in nutrients, high in sugar and fat.

Link:" target="_blank">I think you'll find it's...


Sadie Frost. Past sell by date!!

I think you'll find she's maturing very nicely." target="_blank">" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

Very nicely indeed.

Matt Timson

I was surprised to find that I was really quite bored for the most part- although I liked the look of the teaser for the next series.