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Super-duper-Ultra-Hyper-Bound-Gold-Plate Necropolis

Started by Floyd-the-k, 16 January, 2007, 07:42:04 AM

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I keep thinking it would be nice to have a huge delux 'Necropolis' volume, with:
- really good presentation, hard-cover, in a big box etc
- (more importantly) all the various prequel and aftermath stories; Dead Man, Necropolis, that Ennis story where Silver returns, even that Holocaust Denial guy who wound up having to count all the victims

The Adventurer

A new Trade printing would be good for me thanks.

Was it mostly in B&W? Just having in the Case Files at some point would probably be just fine too.

I know the basic premises to Dead Man, was there any lead up to that that's necessary to get the whole bit of Necropolis?

PS: How are spoiler tags done again?



A collection should include the Bloodline 2 parter which follows on from OZ then, Dead Man, Letter to Judge Dredd, Lethal Injection & Necropolis, and maybe Yassa Povey gettin' his eyes back.

 The rest after that are Ennis stories so I'd rather they weren't included.


spoiler tags are (spoiler) the spoilery thing you want to write(spoiler/) but with pointy brackets


Some kind of volume explaining who the hell this Kraken guy is would be good. I mean, I get the general jist of it, but would like to read the stories (especially now, during Origins, as I'm sat there going "wow, wish I'd read the judda stories").


spoiler tags are (spoiler) the spoilery thing you want to write(spoiler/) but with pointy brackets

Actually it's "(spoiler) the spoilery thing you want to write(/spoiler) but with pointy brackets"




In the preface Gaiman explains that he was asked to
create something set in a mix of two literary worlds, much as Kim Newman did with Anno Dracula. Gaiman chose the works of Arthur Conan Doyle and H.P. Lovecraft to provide the setting.

The story is freely available on his website.

Link:" target="_blank">A Study in Emerald">

Leigh S

And the shooting match(?) from prog 650

But really, I'd rather they plowed through all these with the case files

The Adventurer

But how do they fit The Dead Man in? A separate trade at the time?


The Amstor Computer

But really, I'd rather they plowed through all these with the case files

In colour, hopefully...

The Enigmatic Dr X

On the subject of Necropolis, we all know that Death gets away - and heads to Gotham - by hiding in a pile of corpses. But did you know that there's a panel showing bodies being piled up in the last episode, and if you look closely you can see Death in it?

I don't have a scanner, but it's true.
Lock up your spoons!

Funt Solo

I didn't know that.  Now I want to see.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

I didn't know that and the relevant Progs are many miles away. Grrr!

Necropolis hasn't been reprinted half as much as the other epics, so I'd be happy to see a break in the Case Files format to accomodate a high quality (2 volume?) reproduction of the whole tale and it's lead-in and aftermath.
We never really die.


Out of sheer selfishness I don't want this as I read the whole thing 6 months back after 2 years getting all the progs.

And now I have to dig them out again so I can see a wee picture of death.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


I've gone on about this quite a lot before on other threads, but I too really want to see a 'definitive' edition of Necropolis.

I'm probaly repeating myself, but I read the whole thing quite recently, and I was struck by how the 'Democracy Now' storyline acts as an epilogue to 'Necropolis', with Dredds doubts being laid to rest, and his faith in Justice Department being restored by the referrendum.

IMO, a definitive Necropolis would run:

Introduction (recapping the events of Oz, with a plug for the relevant Case File volume).

The Shooting Match
Young Giant
A Letter to Judge Dredd
The Dead Man
Tale Of The Dead Man
By Lethal Injection
Rites of Ascension
Dear Annie
Theatre of Death
Return of the King
Better the Devil
Twilights Last Gleaming  

(possibly missed a few out/got the order wrong)

Could also include 'Death Aid'. But thats a bit shit.

Of course if the Case Files make the jump to colour, and continue, then that's cool, too.

A two/three volume collection of the whole Narcos/Edgar storyline (starting with Statue of Judgement) would also be great. Doomsday gets slated a fair bit, but I like it, and the build up/epilogue stories are fantastic. It's also got some kick arse artwork(Ezquerra/Kennedy/Wilson/McMahon).

Yeah, its been published by Hamlyn, but their edition skipped loads of good stuff.