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ooooo look

Started by eggonlegs, 17 February, 2007, 03:35:52 PM

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No offence but it's just random squares on the screen.

Maybe I'm not seeing it's brilliance. My loss, I guess.  Everyone's a critic, eh? :)


To be honest, I thought it was terrible. Sorry. I do feel bad for saying that but hey, you posted it... so all's fair in love and YouTube postings. But you got a great icon. But the video - naff.


***To be honest, I thought it was terrible. Sorry. I do feel bad for saying that but hey, you posted it... so all's fair in love and YouTube postings. But you got a great icon. But the video - naff.*** opposed to your classic Dredd screenplays of course.


OK...quit it moonbeam...


is moonbeam the dredded *****?


Pfft, of course not, Eggy.
***** didn't have a beard and an eyepatch...
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!


The name fits, but the M.O. is a bit off.  Benefit of the doubt for now.


Looks good!
Nice to see a video that actually tries to compliment the music, and doesnt feel the need to shoe-horn in some kind of pretentious narrative or story. Well done!

Oh, and Moonbeam? Its good that you've got an opinion, but you only needed to post it once, know what i mean?


>The name fits, but the M.O. is a bit off. Benefit of the doubt for now.

You're not looking hard enough

Oh and it's great to see the Egg back... cake!



Bot really my favorite music that. It's too artificial sounding for my likeing.

I noticed some static towards the end of it and was wondering if thats my faulty sub woofer playing up or just part of the sound recording.

Matt Timson

I really liked the music.  I liked all of it really- enough to have added it to my favourites anyway.


Somehow, the video/music combinations works really well if you have Simon & Garfunkel's Cloudy on in the background. Ace!
Nobody warned me I would be so awesome.


Er.. isn't just squares on a screen. Oh I get it, it's this alternative art. Sort of way out stuff.