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Ro-Jaws 3D WIP

Started by Steve Green, 24 February, 2007, 08:15:07 PM

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Well, if anyone has a contact for him, I'd love them to forward it when it's finished.

Someone's bound to.  Bishop?  Logan?  Rufus?  


Can anyone get a working model up ASAP, my cludgie needs cleaning.

Vid-Call for Mr Dyson....


Looking better and better, Steve. Form-wise, I'd say that was spot-on.
If I can throw my two-penn'orth in on the texture, how about adding some worn, bare metal patches to some the edges and corners?
At the moment, he's still looking a bit too showroom-polished.
Might be worth reducing his specularity a bit, too.
He spends a lot of time down the sewers, y'know... ;)
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Steve Green

Absolutely - there are some worn bits on the head, but they tend to get a bit lost.

I definitely want to get a couple of bumps and roughness around the edges, and dirt around the joints.



Dark Jimbo

That is SHIT HOT!!!!

I can't be any more constructive than that. You know it, I know it, the board knows it.


The single best bit for me is the grill at the back of his head - don't know whether that's O'Neill or McWild, but that is an effin' genius bit of design.

Steve Green

That's Kev - although it doesn't always seem to have it.



Steve Green

Small update - a bit grubbier/scrapes etc.

Some rivets and stuff.

Think he could do with some gunge around the bottom of the door, and wear and tear on the shovel/pincers.

Also there's a seam on the tyre texture that needs fixing.



Link:" target="_blank">Higher res version">

Mike Carroll


Yep. That's much much better.
Seriously good stuff, Steve!
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Steve Green


it's nice to be able to take a bit of time over it - usually it's rush jobs for the paying work.

- Steve


I'll say this again - Steve you are wasted doing what you are doing, you should be in movies and stuff...


Fantastic stuff!

Is that rust or dried shit in his wheels (which would make perfect sense)? Either way, it's aces. :)

Steve Green


yeah, it's supposed to be mud/crap on the wheels.

- Steve


Just credit where it's due, Steve. You're bloody good at what you do.

Are you going to have a crack at Hammerstein next or can I cajole you into having a bash at Mr Ten Per-Cent first? ;)