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Dungeons and Dragons

Started by Quirkafleeg, 25 February, 2007, 02:24:16 PM

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... is on telly this afternoon on Five at 5.05pm. I'm interested to see if it's bad as its reputation

Link:" target="_blank">64 reasons to watch it">

Steve Green

I think it's only watchable if you have some mates round to rip it to pieces.

From memory, my highlights were the tallest dwarf, and the worst maze of deathtraps ever. It consisted of about two rooms - I'm assuming that accountants declared that investing money past those two was a waste of money.

- Steve

The Monarch


The orignal story for this movie was based on a  entire campaign's ( D&D geek syntax for a adventure module.) worth of gaming.

The budget wouldn't allow for the story that the person who had produced the film and who must have also ran the Dungeon & Dragons game. wrote.

From the sounds of it the full story might have been a better film.

Some things that didn't work out:-

( Quirkfleeg had already mentioned the tall Dwarf.)

The Elves wearing the skull masks looked silly.

Tom Baker is actualley a Elven healer.

The Dragons don't look very well.

Personally the over all movie just doesn't reflect what I think most role-playing game fans like in their movies.

Go see the "lord of the Rings" trilogy or even Eragon which I must admit was ten times better and by a strange coinincidence had Jeremy Irons in both these movies featuring Dragons.


Funt Solo

So many other things you could do instead to occupy your time, all of which would make you far happier:

1. Watch Eragon first so that it won't be such of a crushing disapointment when you give in and watch D&D.

2. Raise a family.

3. Grow a distinctive beard.

4. Burn down Hollywood.

5. Watch the Judge Dredd movie.

6. Re-read Kola Kommandos.

7. Find, and slap, Jeremy Irons.

8. Watch Mazes & Monsters.

9. Clean the bath.

10. Dig out your old D&D rulebooks and become Dungeon Master of your very own gaming club - spend months crafting the most wondrous and beautifully described Transylvanian wilderness, replete with vampire castle and well-conceived local characters for your players to explore, only for the Dwarf and Elf to turn up pissed, slice off the vampire's head and then defecate in the coffin, pausing briefly to fire silver arrows into a werewolf's nadgers.  
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


BTW, the was sequel to 'Dungeon and Dragons' that never made it to the big screen before hitting the videop stores shelves.

I haven't seen it this film yet, and may yet exhibit some interest in seeing this film if one of the movie channels puts ite on the schedual.

Dog Deever

i think (IMO) the reason these D&D type films are shit is that it's the same old hokum of absolute good versus absolute evil. The rag tag collection of elves, men dwarves against the evil wizard/ necromancer/ evil cult (I said cuLt!). Every RPGer has read that same story in a dozen shit novels and short stories, and played it in their games a zillion times. A story that just happens to be set in a fantasy world, and isn't about earth-shattering world domination, would be just a little different. Take, eg: a crime genre storyline, and set it in a fantasy world, much like sci-fi has done before, and instantly you're away from goody-goody arsepipes fighting against 'the evil behind the throne' etc.
Just a little rough and tumble, Judge man.


Gary -
That's the funniest thing I've seen on the interweb for a long while.


Well, I saw D&D 2 just last night!

Thought the first one was a miserable waste of time, and actually enjoyed the second one more.  Though it was a ludicrous movie, it gave me lots to snigger about...


Well I missed the first few minutes... but what I've seen so far is kind of terrible in an insanely good way.


I just saw Ghost Rider the other night... and really enjoyed it!

(objectively a terrible movie though)


Dog Deever, About you idea using a crime genre storyline, but set ina fantacy world.

That got thinking, 'Sin City' + Plus Swords n Sandals styled fantacy = 500 ( Another Frank Miller Fantacy.)

While '500' isn't exactly a Dungeons and Dragons feast it's still may be that certain film most 'Dungeon & Dragons' fans were looking for.

Well, I'll just have to wait and see, until the movie screens.


500?  500?

Those cheating Spartans - there was only meant to be 300 of them.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Okay so, I mis-judged by 200.


Got to agree, I've just been reading the collections of the old Marvel Conans. superb stories about an antihero who is a thief, a bully and not really a "goodie" at all. Extremely well constructed and put together graphic story telling. However mention Conan to most people and you get an "Oh no... Arnie". Can't help thinking that Conan has suffered from Hollywood just like Dredd.
Fear leads to doubt which leads to the worst case scenario.