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A High Price For a Small Book

Started by ThryllSeekyr, 13 March, 2007, 03:36:02 PM

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'Slaine: The Exile'

It's just arrived for me to pick up at price of $29.95 dollars Australian. Of course when I complained, they ( The bookstore where I had ordered this book as well as all those 2000AD graphic novles.)been  conceeded and lowered it to $24.95
which is still pricey by my own standards.

I can only remember one other occasion where I even paid as much as $20 dollars for a paperback novel. You remember a Jack Nicoholson movie called 'About Schmidt' I saw that movie and brought the accompanying novel, which too my suprise was written much differently from the film. Anyway it was this novel that cost me $20 dollars Australian, buts that another story and not the one that I am really addressing here.

The original price quoted to me for this 'Slaine : the Exile' was $17.95 dollars Australian. Now thats it's arrived they wont' sell to me for less than their conceeded price of $24.95 Australian.

I remember the good old days ( About Fifteen years ago.) when I used to buy 'Forgotten Realms' novels for about twelve dollars nearly every fornight. ( I was working at the time and earning higher wages.) Those days are long gone now.

This bookstore I am ordering the book through, tell me it's the shipping rate that I am paying the extra money for. Anyway I have phoned and asked through other more well known Australian bookstores, how much it would cost me to obtain this very same novel through them. 'Angus and Robertson' have told me that the book by itself would cost me only $10.50 dollars Australian. As they don't have it in their store right now. They say it would cost another $6 dollars Australian. So this totals at $16 dollars Australian. Which has become the normal price for most other paper back novels these days.

Even the other BlackFlame novels that have been written about the expanded exploits of one 'Judge Dredd' and other BlackFlame books written about ' Johhny Alpha, Wulf SternHammer and MiddenFace Mcnulty' are priced at about $17.00 dollars Australian.

I really think I am being taken advantage of here. Would you agree that I am being ripped off. Like, I did have half mind to tell this bookstore where I have ordered 'Slaine: The Exile' That I should cancel my order and perhaps find the book in another store or even order it through 'Angus & Robertson' at the more desireable price. Except I also need to rely on this bookstore as they have been the only ones that can get all those other graphic novels that have been advertised at the 2000AD online store. You know all those Judge Dred Case Files books, as well as the new Nemesis the Warlock and Strontium Dog search and Destroy Agency files. No other bookstore in the south east of Queensland will touch 2000AD online. Except the few newsagencies around that still sell the comic/magazine.  

Anyway, who agrees that I should tell them where to stick it or should keep my moth shut and my wallet open.">

Matt Timson

I'm buggered if I'd pay that sort of money for a Slaine novel that wasn't even written by Pat Mills.

I'm not sure if I'd pay that sort of money if Pat had written it- and signed each page in his own jizz juice, before hand delivering it to my door.

I'd keep your wallet shut if I was you (and your moth) and just buy it elsewhere.


He is looking down at you from his obsidian throne and laughing - the cruel, mocking laugh of the tyrant...">


You made a deal, they broke it, tell them to stick it.


At A$24.95 you paid about £10.20 for a book that Amazon UK lists at £4.14 plus post. I doubt I could post it to you for £4 so I'd say the price was fair-ish.


The price difference between this Black Flame novel and others may be due to fact the Slaine book is 95,000 words long and cotnains 416 pages, where many of the range are only 70,000 words and only 256 pages. So it's a third longer than those priced around seventeen Australian dollars, making 24 bucks roughly an equivalent price. But, as in all things, caveat emptor.



I'll just show you all a transcript of the last couple of e-mails between me and this store.

The e-mail have not been tampered with in any other way other that fact that I have shown you where my name is and have removed the names of the other parties and the actual name of this bookstore as they aren't nessesarily needed here. As I don't want to bring unwanted attention to myself and this store if I did.

From this book store to me:-

*************************************************Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 16:16:45

Hi Michael,( This is my real name.)

"Slaine: The Exile" has arrived for you at $29.95.

(Name of store clerk ommited here by me.)

My reply

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 00:35:34  

(Name Ommited here by Me),
Thats great news, but I think twenty nine dollars is alittle too steep for a paper back novel. Even if you ordering this one in for me. I have been looking on website of other books stores, including Australian Where the book now appaers to be available is being avertised for about half the price you gave me and in few other placesit's been priced as low as eight dollars.
So what am I paying for exactly?
Regards Michael ( Last name Ommited here by Me.)


Their reply.

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 10:58:33  

Hi Michael,

This book is the very same one you asked me to order for you. The
site you sent me to was not Australian, it was Canadian:
The prices listed are in Canadian dollars. Likewise, the prices from
Kirkus and Walmart are in American dollars, not Australian, so it is
pretty unfair to compare them as so. Going back through my previous
emails, I realise I may have mistakenly quoted you the straight
converted price of $17.95, but shipping costs from the UK do add
significant costs. I'm happy to offer the book to you at $24.95 (which
means I am losing money on the book) as I did misquote you, but as for
subsequent orders, I would appreciate you to check the Australian
that I quote and approve them, and not to compare them to other

Kind Regards
( Name of store clerk ommited here by me.)


My Reply

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:03:47  

( Name of store clerk ommited here by me.),
I did have bit of trouble finding the Australian website for It doesn't appaer on the browser as mcuh as Amazon UK and Canada. So I linked the first one I found. Figuring all of them to be the same. ( sorry).
I just rang Angus and Robertson located in Ipswich where I live and they told me that they could order that book in. The price they gave me was ten dollars fifty plus another six dollars because it would be coming from America.
Thats a total of sixteen dollars fifty.
I am currently waiting on a quote from Dymocks
Anyway, it's that more disirable price range that I have found on a few other online bookstore websites that seem to more common than the price you gave me.
I has been common sence that tells me that most paperback fantacy novels sold in Australia haven't ever cost more than twenty bucks to purchase and there was a time when they were just ten or eleven dollars. Though, those days are long gone now.
I could order from Angus & Robertson with their more desirable price of sixteen dollars, but I declined their offer in favor of honouring the people I asked first. That is you. Avid Reader. I've been patiently waiting for that particular novel since late last year and now that you have this instore, I doubt that I could wait longer than another fortnight let alone a week.
Regards Michael ( My last name ommitted here.)


Their Last Reply.

Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2007 14:16:02  

Hi Michael,( My real name.)

As I said in my last email, I've quoted you prices and availabilities
all books you were searching as soon as you've asked me, and it is very
much your right to shop around for prices, but you /have /approved all
the books I have found for you, and I only order these books after
getting your approval. If you're not happy with our service, you are
very welcome to go elsewhere, but I would appreciate it if you would
honour your outstanding orders you have here. Unlike other bookshops,
ask for no deposit up front, and I enjoy taking the time to track books
down thoroughly (especially books that lie outside our general sales
areas, such as the graphic novels you have been requesting). So my
still stands of $24.95 for this book. Let me know how you'd like to
proceed with the rest of your orders.

( Name of store clerk ommited by me here.)


My last Reply

Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:27:30  

( Name of store clerk omminted here by me.),
As I had written at the end of the last letter. I am honouring the books I approved and as I would not want to cancel a book after it's already arrived. I intend on collecting that very book sometime within the next seven days for the price you have quoted me at twenty four dollars ninety five.
It is also well appreciated that your store has gone out of it's way to appropiate the graphic novels which are nigh impossible to find in any other store in the the south east of Queensland. Espeically those other OFFICIALl comic books stores located in the heart of Brisbane that are telling me that they don't stock 2000AD related products anymore.
So, I am letting you know right now, that I intend to continue with the rest of my order as I do not have problem with the other quoted prices ranging from what are mostly forty five dollars ninety five to one book which will cost fifty seven ninety five dollars.( Mainly becuase they are large graphic novels.) But please let me know if those prices change. Because the paper back novel was originally quoted by your store to be at seventeen dollars ninety five.
So, that extra seven to twelve dollars wasn't expected.
Here's the original price list here.

Judge Dredd V. 7. Complete Case Files
ISBN 190543720X
Author Wagner, John
Price $44.95
Availability Mid-March 07

Slaine Time Killer
ISBN 1905437218
Author Mills, Pat
Price $44.95
Availability Mid-March 07

Thrill-power Overload
ISBN 1905437226
Author Bishop, David
Price $57.95
Availability Mid-March 07

Slaine the Exile
ISBN 1844163873
Author Savile, Steven
Price $17.95
Availability Mid-January 07


I can't find your quoted prices for the last two. I have prices here in English pounds and sterling. I not sure what you have these quoted for.
Regards Michael ( My last anme ommitted here by me.)

Well, there you have it. They tell me that one of their store policies is that they don't need a deposit on books that they would be ordering in for you. Perhaps I should have reminded them that I have been paying a deposit. Not the complete deposit, but one that may cover one to one and half to two books each time I had visited their store.

Always completing the transaction whilst
picking up those books when they have arrived and at same time leaving them with another monetary deposit. My last desposit was $100 dollars Australian, minus the monmey oweing from my last desposit.

You do the math.

It's a moral dilema based on my honor and the integrity of their bookshop and that fact that I left them with some money as deposit plus the fact that I still have another five books
waiting to arrive.

They are obivously convinced that they have the moral highground here.

Am I that much of a idiot paying that price for paperback novel. Though, it's just one book that they have overpriced.

If I leave them now, I may lose my desposit ( Unless they give it back.) and my best chance at obtaining those books.


Is possible that you could find and link the Australian site for Amazon. As they most probably will have it priced alteast at less than twenty dollars including the shipping and postage and handling fees. I have been haveing trouble locating the exact Australian website for as the Canadian, and American sites may appaer very much identical to the Australian one.


Well, I have decided to pay their conceeded price of $24.95 for this book simply becuase it was pretty much looking forward to this one.

They should be expecting me sometime this morning.


::  I doubt I could post it to you for £4

Judging by the weight shown on another site (about 230g), the price of postage, taking into account wrapping, would be about £3.51 via (printed papers) airmail and £1.68 surface mail (small packet).


Currently there IS no amazon australia, so it's no wonder that you couldn't find it :)

At the bottom of the page there are links to all the currently existing amazon sites around the world, and i think it's just the US, canada, UK, japan, france, germany and maybe another one or 2.

And, seeing as you are a good man for wanting to order it, the ISBN code for the Storming Heaven collection is 1904265774, which should help the bookstore locate it much easier :)


:: the ISBN code for the Storming Heaven collection is

And the ISBN 13, which they might prefer, post-January 2007 is: 978-1904265771.


Looks like Amazon doesn't think you'll have enough cash left after all the tinnies and barbies to make it worth their while!

The £4 post prediction was borne from years of eBaying and takes into account the cost of office purloined bubble wrap envelope and tape and waiting in a queue for ages in the post office. Cheap quote actually!

Link:" target="_blank">Streuth


I went into town and picked the book up this morning.

Now, the funny thing is I stopped to look in what must be a brand new bookstore in the heart of Brisbane. Not too far from the main train station. There it was on the shelf before me. and only priced at twenty dollars. I practically picked it up and was nearly going buy it. It was the logical thing to do. I put it back on the shelf telling the clerk there, that I could very well return to buy that incase things went really sour for me at the the other book I had origiannly intended to go to. I just had a funny feeling something was going to go real bad for me.

Anyway after a hour or so of walking I enter into the shop noticing a different pair of clerks at the front counter. Anyway I sort of let it slip when they handed the book to me that I have seen this very same book in another store costing two thirds of the finalised price that was given to me by one of the other store clerks or the owner of store by e-mail. I also told them that this book was originally quoted to me at the cost of $17.00 dollars ninety five cent Australian. So I then asked if I could cancel the order and they said I could have it for twenty dollars which wasn't so bad after all.

That made me feel so liberated walking out of the store, down the street, back to the city centre and then hopping back on the train to go home.

Though, I am starting to feel abit of a prick.
But the consumer has to do what the consumer has to do to make sure that they're getting what they are paying for.

I started reading this book on the way home. It's certainly interesting, but never what I expected. If it turns out to be really good. I'll be sending Steven Savile some more money. Perhaps I'll send at Pat Mills more money as well. Slaine, being his creation after all.



Well done in the end mate, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.