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Some more shameless self-promotion...

Started by Mike Carroll, 06 April, 2007, 03:42:00 AM

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Mike Carroll

Those of you in the US should do your thrill-circuits a favour (sorry, "favor") and pick up a copy of my new book, The Awakening, the first in the Quantum Prophecy series.

It really is a great book, and if you don't believe me, here's proof:

It's a great book.


For those of you in the rest of the world: this is the same book as The Quantum Prophecy, the first in the New Heroes series... I know that you all already have that one, so there's no need to buy the US version. Unless of course you're a completist. Or you just love the book so much you want it in hardback too.

Lots more info on the The Awakening over at the official Quantum Prophecy website!


Link:" target="_blank">

Richmond Clements

Hardback eh..?

He's right though, people- they are fantastic books. You should buy them!

Mike Carroll


Thank you, Rac - the sole voice of support in the wilderness!

Yours quite lonelyly,

Rob Spalding

They are damn good, fun reads.

Recommended to you all.  And your non-board reading mates!

Mike Carroll


All you fine New Heroes fans out there will no doubt be aware that the third book in the series - Absolute Power - will be published on July 2nd.

To honour this, I've put together a short CGI trailer! You can find the link to it on the News page of the official New Heroes website!


Link:" target="_blank">

Richmond Clements

Can't wait for the next book!

For anyone who hasn't yet read these- please, no drokking joke- read them. They are fantastic.

Richmond Clements

Mike Carroll

Thank you, Rac! Sometimes I think you're my only real friend here... :(

Come on, everyone - Check out the trailer! I promise it's not totally crap!

-- Mike

Byron Virgo

I tried to watch the trailer the other day, but my bastard computer froze.

By the way Mike, just remembered - I still owe you those copies of Redeye that I promised to send you the other month!

Mike Carroll

All righty, guys... I've uploaded the new video to YouTube for your convenience (and here's a link to the advert for Sakkara as well):>Sakkara advert on YouTube>Absolute Power advert on YouTube

-- Mike

Richmond Clements

Mike Carroll

Good afternoon, people! align=right>
My third New Heroes novel - Absolute Power - seems to have reached the shops a little early, and it's already flying (very slowly) off the shelves at

Anyway, tonight at 8pm (GMT) I'll be taking part in a live forum on the excellent Official New Heroes Website

Richmond Clements

Just ordered my copy.

I notice though, on
Absolute Power - Michael Carroll (Associate Professor of English, New Mexico Highlands) ???

Mike Carroll

> (Associate Professor of English, New Mexico Highlands)

Yeah, that's been happening occasionally ever since the first NH book appeared on an on-line bookstore! There are people out there who don't seem to understand that there could be more than one writer with the same name.

But if anyone's willing to give me an honorary doctorate (or professorate, if there is such a thing) then I'm happy to accept it!

-- Professor Mike


That probably explains why Amazon keep sending me emails exhorting me to buy copies of The Official Major League Baseball Fact Book: 1999 by Ron Smith and English Vice, The: Beating, Sex and Shame in Victorian England and After by Ian Gibson.
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!