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Started by ARRISARRIS, 07 April, 2007, 07:06:42 AM

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Keef Monkey

I didn't enjoy it as much as usual, but the new assistant will likely keep me watching through the patchy episodes. Hottest partner he's had  since that blonde one I fancied as a kid(Ace?).

Will I. Cooling

"Martha seems better than Rose - but we are still at the "Girls best gay pal" stage of the relationship, rather than the "girl and guy in love" stage that I fear we'll inevitably gravitate towards. "

RTD has said that Martha's story will be one of unrequited love.
The I is for 'I can't remember the password to my other account' or Ian. One or the other.

Leigh S

Well, RTD says a lot of things that he then flip flops on... But hopefully, he'll stick to this one.

Richmond Clements

>> So... you're all saying that RTD is, in fact, a racsist?

RAC, I have absolutely no idea how RTD feels about you . . .

Ineed, I realised when I'd posted the question that my typing would allow the sidestepping of it by way of a glib answer...


Well it's RTD's game to discredit other people with accusations of racism.  I'm not convinced either is, but it's too easy a game to play, and he should stay clear of it.


I think you're all tilting at windmills here; RTD seems to have a general downer on relationships in any shape or form (which, you know, for a TV show is pretty much is par for the course). The racial matter seems something of a red-herring - what relationships in Nu-Who have worked out perfectly?

- pj

Eric Plumrose

>> Ineed, I realised when I'd posted the question that my typing would allow the sidestepping of it by way of a glib answer...

Oh, if I must. I have no idea whatsoever if RTD is racist. I would presume not, given the supposed self-congratulation regarding the casting of Noel Clarke and Freema Agyeman; the fact also that the Doctor is constantly singing the praises of us humans should belie any further accusation. Probably.

I did, however, find the ball of string comment in 'New Earth' analogous to telling a black person to go peel a banana. The Doctor's comment is, of course, inoffensive simply because the Sisters of Plenitude are a fictitious race of anthropomorphized cats. And they were EVIL, let's not forget that. If the episode had been more compelling then perhaps I wouldn't have found the comment quite as irksome as I did when 'New Earth' first aired.

>> RTD seems to have a general downer on relationships in any shape or form (which, you know, for a TV show is pretty much is par for the course). The racial matter seems something of a red-herring . . .

Absolutely. I very much doubt the negative portrayal of all three interracial couples in as many seasons is informed by racism. Rather, I think it's yet one more thing RTD hasn't thought through properly. It's no more enlightened (for want of a better term) than if, say, Captain Jack had been portrayed as being yet another gay* man tormented by his sexuality, no matter how well-meaning it was intended.

* Yes, I know he's omnisexual.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.


Lets face it, fiction of any kind is generally harsh on relationships,


You know what? That wasn't half bad! Was actually witty, without being infantile. Less gurning from Tennant's super, was an added bonus. I could get to like Martha Jones too-she's not just a ersatz Rose and seems to have a destinctive personality of her own. Oh and the 'pop culture' references actually worked this time.
More of the same please.
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

Funt Solo

Choosing Harry Hill over Doctor Who - that's about as damning as it can get.

I don't watch Doctor Who anymore, but whenever anyone mentions Harry "Bellsweat" Hill I must point out what a quimwedge he is.

There is only a single ray of light - one day, he'll die.  Or his televison career will.  Either way, I'll be free of him.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


"Lets face it, fiction of any kind is generally harsh on relationships,"

Indeed.  Writing 101 "Conflict = drama".  How many times do you find yourself entertained watching teens or happily-married couples make nice on tv when they could be entertaining you instead with their epic romantic meltdowns?  RTD, however, has gone out of his way to portray multi-cultural Britain through inter-racial relationships popping up on the show a lot more than they tend to on other programmes (many of which are longer-running than new Who), and having a bit of grief in there is just a basic conceit to dramatic necessity.  An unfortunate convergance of seperate events is probably more likely than RTD being a paid-up member of the NF, but he does invite these criticisms by hurling them elsewhere.


but whenever anyone mentions Harry "Bellsweat" Hill I must point out what a quimwedge he is.

Have to *massively* disagree with you there. Aside from being one of the very few people these days who make me laugh so much I hurt, he's a genuinely nice, down-to-earth bloke. He made a fantastically nice gesture for Malchi's birthday earlier this month as well, which I've still to thank him for.


Dragging myself on-topic briefly; I've missed both episodes of the new Who series and I'm so gutted, I'll probably miss this week's as well, then the week after that, and the week after that, then the week after that...

Funt Solo

::"He made a fantastically nice gesture for Malchi's birthday earlier this month as well"

I expect my hyperbole's got little to do with reality.  I don't find him funny, but I shouldn't have been so offensive.  


Back on topic: now, Timmy Mallet (aka Doctor Who), on the other hand...


Even more back on topic (sort of): nice to see Christopher Eccleston popping up in Heroes as the invisible man.  There is also a Jekyll & Hyde character - so if they get Allan Moore to script an episode, we should get to see her bugger Christopher Eccleston to death.  I wonder what it would have been like if he'd played a grumpy Doctor.  Was Tom Baker grumpy, or just mad?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

I, Cosh

Without having seen a single episode of the last two series (and assuming it's all a joke really) isn't it more likely to be the casting director who's the racist?
We never really die.