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Can other people see the Beebs Dr Who page?

Started by WoD, 09 April, 2007, 09:00:35 AM

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My boy wants me to log on to play the games with him, but it's been dead for ages for me.

The Enigmatic Dr X

It's fine for me. It downloads something (flash? ActiveX?)

Maybe your security settings are blocking it.
Lock up your spoons!



Can't see any reason why it wont load...worked fine at the brother-in-laws...weird

Richmond Clements

Works fine for me- I was playing the cyberman game last night.

I, Cosh

Works fine for me. Some of the games launch pop-up windows, could that be the problem?
We never really die.


i just saw 300 for first time, bloody hell, how good was it?????


I tried it at the Brother-in-law's and it works fine for him too, so it is my PC (probably)...any ideas on what it could be, I've not changed anything or set Active X, etc. to disabled...

Any idea on how to check what the page is trying to load and failing to do so?  I'm also failing to connect to the Life on Mars page on the beeb, so it looks like there is something on both pages that the PC is not liking??!!??